7 | I Thought We Were Friends

407 29 70

Lee Minho

I was pissed off. It might seem like a trivial reason, but to me it felt a lot bigger.

I was completely aware of Iseul's discomfort around me. And I made a lot of efforts to make sure that she didn't feel uncomfortable in my presence.

But it was as if I was trying to push a wall to extend the space in a room. Because all of my attempts were futile.

She stayed just like that, reserved and uncomfortable, even when I tried everything that I could.

Just what are you hiding, Iseul?

At first I thought that she was simply introverted and didn't like talking to people. But then I saw her talk to the other guys, and she seemed to be extremely comfortable around them.

Why was it just me?

I pondered over that question a lot. But I failed to get a answer everytime.

I just didn't understand that girl.

One moment she looked like she would keep on smiling the entire day and the next she had that far away look on her face and got serious all of a sudden.

I didn't miss the way she always tried to avoid talking about herself and her past. I knew something was up, but I just couldn't understand what it was.

I was upset because she always pushed me away whenever I tried to approach her. I tried making a conversation, she responded and then went silent.

It was slowly changing since the last few days though. She was slowly talking more to me, and was laughing a lot more than when I first saw her.

It gave me a hope that maybe I'll be able to befriend her soon.

But then she did that.

She was happily grinning at Seungmin from ear to ear. But when I approached her, the smile she was having fell. She looked like she didn't want to sit with me. She looked like she wanted to be anywhere except for being with me.

I thought we were becoming friends.

It hurt, honestly. I suddenly felt like a fool. She was trying to push me away, and I was constantly making efforts to get closer to her.

This needs to stop.

And so, I decided to stop trying to get closer to her. I decided not force my presence on her, because she simply wanted to avoid me.

And that was how I ended up not talking to her throughout the day. I didn't say anything, and she didn't try to talk to me either.

Things went that way until the last period came. She was normal in the first half, but then I noticed her body go rigid and she suddenly stopped writing.

I ignored it for a few minutes, but then I suddenly grew more worried.

"You good?" I asked, trying to show too much emotion on my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said, doing a terrible job of hiding the quiver in her voice.

I was about to tell her that she sounded anything but fine, but decided not to.

Fine. She wanted to avoid me right? So I'll give her the full opportunity. I won't ask her anything, and will let her do whatever she wants.

It's not like I care, anyway.

So I just shrugged and continued listening to the teacher.

She was growing restless every minute, and I found myself unable to focus on the teacher's words.

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