16 | Women Are Scary Creatures

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A/N: It's just the trailer and I'm already jumping in excitement... Can't wait!


Choi Iseul

"I thought you were upset with me." I said as I was being pulled away by Minho.

"Well, I was but I changed my mind." He said.

"Why so?"

"Because I couldn't see you cry again." He said, glancing at me for a moment.

For some reason, I felt heat crawling to my face at his words.

"Stop saying stuff like that!" I complained, feeling embarrassed.

"Stuff like what?" He asked, looking confused. "I figured that you needed a friend to chill out with, and not someone to stress over! I'm just stating facts."

"Okay, I get it. Now care to share where you're taking me?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Nope. You'll see when we get there." He said, a slight smile coming on his face.

"I swear, if you think about playing a trick on me or something you'll be as good as dead meat." I threatened.

"Man, you're scary." Said Minho, looking at me in amusement.

He suddenly stopped in front of the bus stop, signalling me to take a seat next to him.

As we sat down to wait for the bus to God-knows-where, Minho suddenly spoke up.

"Why were you in such a rotten mood today?"

"Well..." I paused, thinking of making an excuse.

"I want to hear the truth this time." He said as if reading my thoughts.

I sighed.

"It's nothing, really. We just need to pay the rent to landlord in a short time so I was just looking up for more part time jobs." I said, fidgeting with my hands. "This is why I head back home early these days." I hoped he wouldn't judge.

"Oh." Minho let out. "Is it bad?"

"What? My part time jobs? Maybe a little." I said, letting out a dry laugh.

"No I meant... Nevermind." He mumbled.

"You know what? I changed my mind. I'm taking you somewhere else now. Nature can wait." He suddenly announced, getting up abruptly.

I shot him a questioning look, not knowing what the hell was going on.


"Let's go!" He said, grabbing my hand again.

The two of us walked through various streets, Minho occasionally stopping at a few stores to gawk at cute plushies.

"Do you want one?" I asked, laughing as I looked at him staring at the cute toys in wonder.

He just nodded his head vigorously.

We were outside a stall, with had many tiny plushies. From the corner of my eye, I saw a plushie rabbit, which had a mischievous glint in its eyes. Just like a certain someone.

"Hey, Minho? What do you think about that?" I nudged his shoulder, getting his attention.

"It's... I'm getting that one." He said, his eyes lightening up.

"Looking for couple keychains? Check these out!" The owner suddenly interrupted us, bringing out a bunch of keychains.

I felt my face heat as she referred to us as a couple. Minho's ears turned a little red too, if I wasn't imagining things.

Three Promises || Lee Know Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ