26 | Forgotten

372 25 36

(A/N: Double update, read chapter 25 first.)


Choi Iseul

Ever since the day Jiyeon was introduced to our group, I slowly began drifting away from everyone.

She was everywhere. All the time. She seemed to have made friends with everyone, and because of her presence, it felt like everyone was forgetting my existence.

I tried not to think about it, since it was a choice I made myself, but that insecure part of my mind always came up with one thought.

Jiyeon was replacing me.

It wasn't that everyone wasn't talking to me anymore. They did, but unlike before, no one questioned my absence. I was kinda happy for that, but it also made something in my heart harden.

Seungmin was there most of the times, but even his presence couldn't take away that uneasiness that I was starting to feel.

Yuna and Jiyeon got along really well, and Eunseol hung out with them more often.

And Minho? He suddenly stopped walking home with me one day. I don't know what caused it, but it hurt.

It hurt even more when I got to know he had started walking home with Yuna.

I sighed as I watched out of the window, barely paying attention to the teacher.

Minho was right next to me... But was I willing to strike up a conversation?

"Be prepared, kids! Test tomorrow!" Said our chemistry teacher.

Multiple students groaned as class ended with this disastrous news.

And just like that, another uneventful day came to an end. I had work today at the restaurant, and I also had to go on a study session with Seungmin.

"Hey Iseul!" A voice came, making my head turn in the direction of the voice.

"I barely see you these days. Wanna hang out with us?" Yuna asked, having a pout on her face. "Don't tell me that you're going somewhere with Seungmin again!"

"Yuna, I really wish I could but-"

"Noo.. please come. Please? It's just a girls day out!" She pleaded.

Eunseol appeared from behind, a questioning look evident on her face.

"Uhh..." I searched for words, turning my head in Seungmin's direction only to find that he was listening in on our conversation. He gave a slight nod, and I understood what he wanted.

"Go with them." He mouthed in my direction.

I turned to answer the girls, but I caught Minho looking at me as he packed his bag. He just passed me a small smile and got up to leave.

"Alright. When do we meet?"


I was waiting for a text from Yuna, who had said that she would text me the details of our girls evening out later.

She said she would text by four... I had to leave for work at seven, so I hoped she messaged soon.

I waited and waited, and when minutes finally turned into an hour, I decided to call them.

The phone was picked up in a few rings.

"Oh, Iseul?" Yuna's voice came.

"Um, you didn't text me the time." I said hesitantly.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! We totally forgot about you!" She said in a haste.

Huh? Forgot about me?

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