New Place, Old Fear

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Ivis flew close behind her mother, visibly excited. She couldn't believe she managed to convince her mother to bring her along.

"Ivis, you are to be extremely careful." Said her mother as they flew through the trees. "Keep your guard up at all times." She glanced back at Ivis, concerned. "Promise me you will."

They were going to the market today. Both of them, together—to the place where her mother would disappear to all day long. It had always been a mystery to Ivis, but that changed today.

"Of course, mama. I promise." Ivis said with eager eyes.

~ * ~

Ivis felt frozen in place. It felt odd, because she hadn't expected that type of reaction from herself at all. It made her feel cowardly. She felt cowardly. She... felt afraid.

"All fear comes from ignorance." Her mother told her a long time ago. "Hubris does, too. So learn, Ivy, never stop learning."

Taking in a long, slow breath, Ivis tried to clear her mind—and took her first step ever onto foreign soil.

Many sets of eyes were placed on her, causing anxiety to grip her chest. Stop looking at me. Stop. She glared in the direction of a group of them, causing a few to turn away—but Ivis still felt as if she were on display.

Vedrith walked beside her, a small comfort to put her racing mind at ease. Ivis stayed near her, because she was the one familiar thing on this... strange planet.

Ivis supposed that everywhere she went would feel strange... filled with people who would gawk at her as much as she gawked at them. Yes, this should be normal. Ivis told herself. It's going to be fine.

Still, she kept her guard up high—just in case.

"Hey." Said Vedrith to one of the workers, shaking their hand. "Great to see you and all, but I'll get straight to the point—my ship has been..." Vedrith's voice faded out as a ringing rose in Ivis's ears.

Ivis's fingers twitched on her limp hand, and she closed them back into a tight fist—her claws digging mercilessly into her palms. Ivis could feel her heart rate rising, and she clenched her jaw shut as she tried to keep her breath steady.

She felt trapped. She felt threatened. She felt afraid.

"Ivy, breathe—my darling, you need to breathe." Her mother placed a hand on Ivis's shoulder, leaning down to eye-level with Ivis. "It's okay darling, you need to breathe."

Ivis's lip wobbled, and she collapsed into her mother's arms, sobbing. "Mama, I fell—I—" She sniffled, wiping her nose, and squeezing her mom a bit tighter. "—I'm never going to fly again!" Ivis exclaimed.

"Don't say that. Of course you will, my dear. You have to—besides, losing a few feathers doesn't ruin the whole wing." She told Ivis, petting her hair with gentle hands. When Ivis didn't answer, her mother pulled back enough to look Ivis in the eye, her gaze serious and filled with concern. "Ivy, you have to," she said, "a grounded Aviothan is a dead Aviothan. Please, breathe."

Breathe. Ivis told herself as the memory flashed through her mind. Breathe. Just breathe.

These people, even if they didn't want to hurt Ivis, still sent alarms off in Ivis's head. Her entire life, Ivis was raised to be skeptical of anything, and everyone—how could she not feel on edge?

"Ivis." Said her... no, it didn't sound like her mother. Not at all.

"Ivis—you okay?" Said Vedrith's voice. Vedrith lightly put a hand on Ivis's shoulder, but drew it back with a concerned expression after Ivis flinched.

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