Poor Choices

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"...Some places were open to trade, but nothing else—not even allowing their people to leave. The first planet to take this approach is unknown, but their approach to planetary relations caused a ripple effect throughout the galaxy. Neo Ailman, the author of "Why Some Intelligent Species Still Refuse to Socialize", explains that although Andromeda is much safer than it used to be—it still isn't safe.

While these planets had their people's best interest at heart, (the majority of them, anyway) it caused unrest in parts of their populace. Thus, discovering a stowaway on your ship wasn't uncommon during these times..."

- Zenith Arraly, The Elaborate History of Space Travel

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Vedrith had done a ton of stupid shit.

She managed to scare her brother half to death when she was eleven by sneaking onto a departing ship. She didn't get back until the next week, but had a fun time though–the pilot was nice. Actually, that was the reason she started to dream of being a pilot.

Vedrith also managed to convince the same pilot to let her fly their ship when she was fifteen, saying she was in training already (she was not).

Over the course of her life, most of her stupid deeds were related to piloting, and ships.

What was she doing now? Well, guess you could say it was somewhat related. Vedrith was piloting herself off of a stupidly high drop. Off of a comically large tree. In fact, Vedrith wanted to take a moment to truly admire the trees on this planet–they were way larger than any she had ever seen.

There was railing only around part of the porch, the majority left open to anyone who wanted to step right off. Ivis walked up from behind her, standing right next to the edge confidently, and looking down.

"Well, you sure you want to do this, four-arms?" Ivis said, calmly. Vedrith didn't think she would care all that much if she froze mid drop and splatted.

It had been a little over a week since Vedrith was shot, and her shoulder felt a lot better–it was actually healing relatively fast, too. They had practiced flying from the ground below a couple days before, letting Vedrith truly understand the height between here and the ground, but she ended up having to take a small break due to the strain it put on her shoulder. Ivis had scoffed, and told her to get over it, but said nothing more on the matter.

So, why was Vedrith doing this? Well, you could say she was getting over it. It was her idea, to heal for a bit longer, and then try this. Jumping off the porch...

Vedrith took a long breath in. "Yeah, I have to. Well, no one's making me but I feel like this would be the best way to fly again. To make my instincts flare up, ya know?" Vedrith explained. Ivis answered with a slight nod.

Vedrith looked down at the drop, suddenly, but very rationally, hesitant. "You're going to help me if this doesn't work though, right?" Vedrith looked Ivis in the eye. "Right..?"

Ivis nodded again. "Yes. If you somehow fail to fly, I will catch you and land safely on the ground."

Vedrith gulped, and looked back over the edge. You've got this. This would have been nothing three years ago, don't let this fear stop you. Vedrith took in a deep breath, and promptly put over one foot across the edge, and said:

"I can't do this."

She turned around and tried to walk back inside, hoping to forget about even trying, but Ivis had other ideas.

"Oh, no you don't" She stopped her dead in the tracks, and picked her up like she was a twig. Vedrith began to yell, but was rudely interrupted by being tossed over the edge.

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