Hive 362

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"As time passed, the majority of these secluded planets began to loosen up their rules, allowing them to further grow their economies and populations.

Hive 362 is one of these such planets, and is a prime example. Hive's executives allow their people to leave, and travel as they wish. And, if they want to return home, or if a descendent of theirs does, they are welcomed with open arms. Although, to this day they only allow visitors on their planet—permanent residency is not permitted.

Another planet, Endura, is almost the complete opposite. Their people are forbidden from leaving—and if they manage to, they will be hunted down. For as long as Endura has been this way, it has been speculated by several why."

- Zenith Arraly, The Elaborate History of Space Travel

~ * ~

Twenty-one missed calls felt kind of excessive.

Sure, Vedrith hadn't responded at all for over a week, but it wasn't that big of a deal.

Whitlock had a lovely knack for being... worrisome. Or for lack of a better word, overly paranoid. Now that Vedrith thought of it, twenty-one missed calls from Whitlock was less than what she would expect.

Vedrith was about to dial Whitlock, but was interrupted by a call from (you guessed it) Whitlock. Vedrith muttered under her breath as she answered.

"Relax. I'm alive, I was just about to contact you." Said Vedrith absently.

"Relax!?" Whitlock shouted in Vedrith's ear. "What the hell do you mean, relax!? By the sun–Vedrith, I thought you were dead!"

Yep. That was exactly the response Vedrith expected from good ol' sunshine and roses. "Well I'm not." Said Vedrith. "So it's fine."

Whitlock let out an audible sigh. "And unharmed?"

Vedrith paused, and bit her lip. "Well I might have been shot, but that's unrelated." She said after more than a few moments.


Vedrith groaned, holding the headset away from her ear. Did he have to repeat everything she said at such a high volume? "Not with a blaster or anything! Just an arrow. And I'm pretty much fine now, anyway. Calm down."

"You do not have the right to tell me to calm down-" His voice faded out, and was replaced by a much calmer (and quieter, to Vedrith's relief) voice.

"I have deemed Whitlock unable to continue this call, so you can relay your information to me." Said Shiroh, flatly.

Oh, of course it's him. Vedrith thought, her initial relief twisting slightly. "Uh huh." Said Vedrith, not wanting to tell Shiroh anything.

"You know I will not play your games, Vedrith. You have already pissed off Whitlock, which means you have almost pissed me off too. Spill." Shiroh demanded.

"I don't report to you." Said Vedrith, defiantly. She crossed her lower set of arms, unwilling to give any information.

"Would you rather report to Whitlock right now, then? Because he is not happy with you."

Now Vedrith didn't think that this was fair. What was she supposed to do? She was literally being kept against her will, it wasn't her fault that she couldn't contact HQ until now.

"Report, jackass." Shiroh repeated, strongly.

Vedrith grumbled. "Ugh. Fine. But just so you know, I wasn't able to get to my ship until today–so it's not my fault."

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