Piece of Happiness...

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Chapter 45


Compersion (noun): A feeling of joy when a loved one invests in and takes pleasure from another romantic or sexual relationship. The opposite of jealousy and typically is used in reference to nontraditional or polyamorous relationships.

Yoongi's POV

"No, I'm okay for now. Y'all go ahead. I'm almost done," I tell Tia when she asks if I'd like to come down while she prepares dinner. Don't get me wrong, I am definitely starving but I really want to get this bed done so that she and the guys can rest comfortably tonight. My guys bring up the last few boards, and I send them home for the evening after thanking them for their hard work. Once I'm done nailing the last slat board down, I start to assemble the drawers that will serve as storage in the footboard. When they are complete, I install them on the drawer slides, opening and closing them several times to make sure they have smooth movement. This sprawling bed is equivalent to two king size beds put together, taking up the entirety of one wall, only leaving room for the night stands to fit snuggly between it and the adjacent walls. Thankfully, there is more room in the bedroom, almost like a whole other bedroom is attached. This place is incredible, from the high ceilings, to the gold sconces, beautiful color palette, to the awe-inspiring floor plan.

The way that I've built this bed allows for a platform feel with no need for a box spring to support their current mattress and the new one that was delivered yesterday, being able to rest on the slats. I am a man that knows my limitations and realize that there is no way that I'll be able to get this mattress on the frame or bring the one from the garage up alone. When I'm finished cleaning up my mess and gathering my tools, I head downstairs to ask the guys for help. My foot hits the bottom stair when I overhear their cheerful conversations and joyful laughter. It's a sound that I wish could be bottled up and saved for later, I imagine that this is what heaven sounds like. I drop my things onto the floor after rounding the staircase and head into the kitchen. As if waiting for me to join them, they all greet me with such excitement and so much love.

"Yoongi, come join us," Jimin offers, reaching for my hand while Jungkook reaches for the other.

"Are you finally done? We've been waiting so long," Taehyung adds.

"Yeah, I just finished up and was actually coming down to ask for a hand or two putting the mattresses on."

"That can wait. Come. Sit," Namjoon says.

"You really should eat something. You haven't eaten all day," Tia mentions, putting me on blast.

"WHAT?!" The guys all speak in unison, clearly upset that I've not had a meal.

"No, I did. I had a few tangerines, some water, and-," I say nervously rubbing the back of my neck. I don't even get to finish my sentence before multiple hands are pulling me to sit at the table.

"Why haven't you had a proper meal," Hoseok asks with a frown. "You have to make sure you don't miss meals so that you won't get sick. Here," he says as he places a plate of spaghetti in front of me, grabs my hand, and slides a utensil into it. Even though I love this bunch, it is still awkward to have everyone's focus on me, worrying over me. Before it gets too uncomfortable, everyone goes back to what they were doing as if on cue. Some are bringing food to the table while others are bringing more dinnerware and utensils, napkins, and taking drink orders. They are all busy doing this or that, except for Hoseok, who hasn't left my side since I sat down.

Once everyone's task is done, they come to join us, sitting comfortably around the table. The sound of dishes clinking, more conversations, and laughter fill the space. This is not something I'm used to being that I live alone. Even my dog, Holly, is with my parents as I've been too busy to properly care for him, too swamped with jobs.

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