Are You Lonely...

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Chapter 25

After finishing up with my last client for the day, I close my laptop as I stretch my body which has gone stiff from sitting for hours. Taking a deep breath, I know that the guys are not here at the moment seeing as I can't smell their aroma. No worries, I need to go upstairs to see if the crew has heard anything about Brandon since he was whisked away in the ambulance. As I'm walking towards the stairs, I get a whiff of their familiar scent. Before I realize it, my back is forcefully pressed against the wall.

"What am I going to do with you? You love to be bad, don't you?"

I can't help but to laugh as Taehyung appears before me. My mischievous chuckle seems to stir something within him. Coming closer, he presses his body flush to mine as he grips my hip with one hand and the nape of my neck with the other.

"Payback is difficult." He brushes his nose through my hair. "Very difficult. Remember that."

My heart is racing at this point, the excitement has put my body into fight or flight mode. I don't plan to do either as I can't wait to see how Tae will decide to get me back. With a quick nip to my jawline, he's gone as quickly as he appeared. A sudden wave of heat washes over me causing me to flap the collar of my shirt to get some cool air circulating underneath my clothes. I already know that my cheeks are flush but I'm unsure if it's from the heat or my excitement.

Cupping the area where he bit me with my hand, I ascend the stairs to the main floor, then the second flight up to my master suite. The guys are working busily as they sing or hum along to the song currently playing on their speaker, not noticing me approaching the doorway. One of the guys is in the process of demolishing the shower, while another has just disconnected the toilet from the floor. The last man has taken a second to look down at his phone.

"Hey, guys! Have any of you heard any news about Brandon?"

A head peeks out from the shower with debris and dust covering his hair and shirt. After removing his safety goggles and mask, he informs me that he had called Brandon's phone earlier and his brother, Jason, told him that Brandon had suffered whiplash, a bruised tailbone, bruised ribs, a mild concussion, and a black eye. 

"He said that he would be fine, and that he should make a full recovery in 4-6 weeks. The coffee that he spilled on his torso wasn't extremely hot, so he wasn't badly burned but the doctor was confused for a second because of that birthmark on his hand, thinking it was from what happened today."

I had completely forgotten about that mark on his right hand. I had first noticed it as he pointed to details on the final sketches during our meetings, weeks before the remodel even started. Anyway, I'm thankful that he will be okay and that he did not sustain any major injuries. I know that Taehyung and Jungkook will be relieved to hear the news. The crew takes turns showing and telling me what has been completed and what is left to do.

"We should be done by the end of this week, Miss Tia. That's as long as we don't run into any issues. The part that will be the most complicated is rerouting the plumbing to relocate the bathtub into the expanded shower and the toilet to that opposite wall." He points to the new location and points out the details on the sketch of the finished bathroom. They've gotten most of the demo done already and have begun dropping the old materials out of the window into a dumpster that sits below it.

"Okay, well, I'll get out of your way. I'll probably go back down to the basement and call to check on Brandon. Let me know if you all need me. You have my number, right?"

"Yes, we have it. We are almost done for the day so one of us will let you know before we leave."

I say my goodbyes and see you laters to the crew before going back down to the theater. Preparing to give Brandon a call, I pick up my phone to see that I have a text from a number that's not saved in my phone. After reading it, my body heats up again but not like it did earlier. No... this is not excitement, I am completely freaked out.

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