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Chapter 32


"Didn't I tell you that you drink too much?"

My mother eyes me as I'm pouring my nightcap.

"Mom, you make me sound like an alcoholic. Even my doctor says a glass of red wine a day is good for the heart."

"Well, whatever, I just worry about you. You need to make an appointment with your doctor, just for a check up."

Clean. That's the best way I can describe my mother's scent that creeps into my nose as I hug her from behind, placing my glass on the counter next to the sink, making sure to handle her frail frame gently.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll call in the morning. AND, I'll do a cleanse, just for you, okay. No alcohol for a month," I concede, resting my cheek on her shoulder.

"Don't do it for me, do it for yourself. I know your liver is screaming for a break and more water."

"Dang, ma!"

Our laughter fills the kitchen just as my sister enters the house.

"Sis, come get your mama," I acknowledge Jasmine as she's placing her keys on the hook, then removing her shoes and purse.

"No, come get your wino of a sister," Mommy quips.

"All I heard was wine. Gimme some!"

Mom's jaw drops as Jasmine's coming around the corner, causing us girls to erupt in laughter.

"You heifers get on my nerves together. T, don't play around with your health and call the doctor's office first thing because it'll be hard to get someone after lunch. Ask them to do a urinalysis. Jas, wash your dishes if you decide to eat dinner. I made the sausage, gravy, and rice you guys love."

"Deh," we say in unison as Mommy, in passing, tucks a clump of Jas's curls behind her ear with one hand and cups my cheek with the other. She calls over her shoulder as she's ascending the stairs.

"Also, y'all need to avoid taking the interstate in the morning. And don't be in here doing all that cackling, you know I have another round of chemo tomorrow."

It wasn't uncommon for mom to warn us of things or worry over us. Yes, most mother's want to try to protect their children, but this goes beyond that. Our grandmother had the same gift that is said to be bestowed upon the women of our family by age 30, having skipped me as I'm already 34. With this gift, Mom and Granny had a history of predicting things in our lives and shielding us from danger. Not that she considers herself a psychic or anything, Mom just has 'a feeling' sometimes. She would alert us of dangers and things yet to happen in regular conversation, like there was nothing odd about it. And she could always read us like a book.


On my way to my room, I stop abruptly in front of my mother's bedroom door when I hear her calling for me.


Sitting propped up on a mountain of pillows, she puts her book on the bed and motions for me to move closer. I already know the drill as her hands are extended, so I go to stand next to the bed, leaning over for her to hold my face in her hands. She first looks into my eyes, shifting from one to the other. It's almost as if she's looking through me. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath in through her nose and releases it through her mouth.

"I just wanted to check in on you again. Don't be too worried about your doctor's visit. It's not anything life threatening but you do need to get checked out."

"Will I need to get a shot or something? Medicine?"

"Probably just medicine. You'll be okay," she reassures me then opens her eyes. "I've been meaning to ask you, do you still have those dreams?"

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