True Colors...

560 40 12

Chapter 22

My phone is under my pillow as it alarms at six this morning. It feels good to turn it off and roll over, not having to get up for a while. I turn it off with one eye open then fall back asleep before I even realize. It feels like I haven't even been back to sleep when my phone starts to ding. I look at the screen, again with one eye, to see that only an hour has passed. 

"Bro, what the entire fuck?!" 

When I unlock my phone I see that it is a notification that someone was at the front door.

"What's wrong, Jagiya?"

I kick my legs like a toddler having a tantrum, disappointed that my sleep is being interrupted. 

"It's Brandon. He's here early... again," I answer Taehyung. 

After crawling over limbs and bodies, I reluctantly get out of bed and grab my robe. I would just talk to him over the app but I don't want to be rude. Slinging the lightweight fabric over my shoulders, I wrap it around my body and secure the belt as I descend the stairs. I unarm the security system and open the door. 

"Brandon, you're here... early... again."

"Hey! Yea, I just wanted to spend a little time with you before the crew arrives. Here, I brought breakfast." He shows me a bag of food and a drink carrier with two coffees.

"Brandon, you can't just pop up like this." I stand in the doorway with my arms crossed over my chest.

"I'm sorry. I figured you'd be up getting ready for work but, you look beautiful like this, by the way. Naturally beautiful." He nuzzles the bag in the crook of his elbow before he hands me the iced coffee from the carrier, keeping the hot cup for himself, and takes a step forward. "You gonna let me in or what?"

I begrudgingly move to the side to make way for him. Rolling my eyes, I step back inside and close the door behind us. The guys' scent is overwhelming which means they are all right here with me. I'm feeling reassured and brave to say to Brandon what needs to be said.

"Like, I said, you can't just pop up like this. I planned on sleeping in a bit today. My schedule is not the same everyday and you don't know me like that to show up unannounced." 

We make our way into the kitchen and I choose to sit at the table this time. I'm only 5'1" so I usually have to jump a bit to get on the barstool. I don't want to risk my robe coming undone or shifting as I'm only wearing my bra and panties underneath.

"Please don't be mad at me. I really wanted to see you and I'm trying to get to know you."

"Look, I appreciate the breakfast and the coffee but I see what you're doing. I am in a relationship, Brandon. What if he was here this morning? This is extremely disrespectful, you know?"

"Damn, Tia. You don't have to act like this. I know you told me you were in a relationship but it wasn't serious. I-"

"Whoa, wait. I never said it wasn't serious. That's just what you'd like to believe." 

I stand to my feet, too upset to continue to sit across from him and walk over to the island, causing him to have to rotate in his chair. 

"I'll say this again and hope that it's crystal clear for you. I am not interested in you romantically or even platonically at this point. You are here to do renovations on my house and that is it. Nothing more or less. As a matter of fact, let's talk about that. Let's talk about how you'd better chill before I report you to the police for sexual harassment and fire your ass."

He sits there looking at me like I've grown an extra head. 

"Wow. That's how you're going to do me, huh? After everything I've done for you? And how would this be sexual harassment when you want me too? So, you just get to be a fucking tease, leading me on for fun?!" 

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