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Chapter 26

"Noona, I know you're a little creeped out but you know we won't let anything happen to you. You saw earlier, we don't play that shit."

Jungkook pulls me to lean into his arms. I'd be lying if I said I'm not at least a little afraid. But he's right, he and Taehyung have shown me what they're capable of.

"You're right, Koo. I know I'll be safe with you guys. But could at least one of you stay with me at all times? It's just weird that the text said that I talk to myself a lot. I'm sure it would look that way because no one else can see or hear you guys. And saying that I look beautiful today, that I didn't go to the office today, and my car hasn't moved. How would that person know? That's why I, initially, suspected one of the crew members. I don't know what's going on but I feel like I'm going crazy."

"Well, it wasn't them. I was up there most of the morning and they were just working. One of the guys did text a few times but the messages weren't sent to you. I happened to see the screen as he was typing and he was just checking in on his family."

Thanks to Jin, I feel a little better knowing that it wasn't one of the guys. I hadn't gotten any bad vibes from them as we were conversing outside this morning. They all seemed genuinely nice and sincere in their concern for me.

"Calm down, babe. It's going to be okay, I can promise you that." 

I can't recall ever seeing Yoongi this way, not even when I was living as Tilly. He's always been slow to anger; either that or he does an excellent job of hiding it. But not today.

"I'm trying, Yoongs, I really am. Please, don't do anything crazy. Things are bad enough and I don't want to have to explain any paranormal activities."

Just as our conversation is coming to an end, my phone vibrates on the cushion between Jungkook and me. My body flinches, sending me to sit straight up. Jimin leans down to get my phone before giving it to me.

"Check it." His face is tense and serious, much like the others.

I do as he says and read the message aloud. 

"'Miss Tia, me and the guys found a stopping point so we'll head out for the day. Is it still fine for us to come back at 8 tomorrow morning?' "

"I don't have this number saved either. Should I just get all of their contact information?" I look to Namjoon for guidance.

"Yes, I think you should. Run up to talk to them before they leave."


With my phone in hand, I dash up the stairs, reaching the top just as they were about to leave out the front door. 

"Hey, guys! I'm glad I caught you. I wanted to apologize, again, about earlier. I'm a bit on edge today considering everything. Would it be ok if I got your contact information to avoid any future misunderstandings?"

The shorter of the three and the most talkative steps forward. 

"Yes, no problem. I'm the one that let you know we were leaving. I'm Joey."

I add his name to my contacts then get the names and numbers of the other two.

"Great! Well, Joey, Mike, George... Thanks for your hard work today and I have you all saved. I'll see you bright and early, then?"

I see the men out, taking notice of the silver pickup truck parked by the curb between mine and the neighbor's house. If I recall correctly, it was there this morning and yesterday. I'm sure it's Brandon's, being left there since he had another means of transportation this morning. Either that or the neighbors have company. Shrugging my shoulders, I arm the security system and go into the kitchen, the guys already waiting for me.

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