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Chapter 31

Jungkook's POV

Tia has been on my mind since I left her this morning. There's something about that woman that is pulling me, like a moth to a flame, I just want to be near her even if that means I'll be burned. I know that this is fucking insane...I've known her for less than 24 hours but the space she's settled into within my heart is apparent. This is all happening so quickly and I'm not sure how to handle this feeling. A fellow officer noticed the way I looked at her this morning when I introduced myself and warned that I shouldn't get involved.

"Bro, I'm telling you not to get caught up in this shit. It's not like you to act so emotionally or even consider a mark as a love interest. She's just someone that needed help and you've done that. Let it go, man. This ain't no fucking rom-com where the damsel in distress falls for the big, strong hero. What is this, some type of Stockholm Syndrome type shit?"

"No, dumbass, that's when a victim falls for their captor. You're thinking of the Nightingale Effect and this ain't that. You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. And, I'm telling you, there's something there...this is different. We just vibed, you know, and talked until the sun rose. She's my type for sure...she's beautiful, funny, witty, and so sweet. And yeah, before I met her, I wouldn't think twice about falling for someone I met on duty, but they weren't her."

"Aye, man...I'm just saying."

"I get it, I hear you, and I know you mean well...Just drop it, okay?"

Even though he's annoying the shit out of me, I understand where he's coming from. I met Tia when I was on duty and me wanting to develop a relationship with her could be seen as inappropriate or unethical, like I'm taking advantage of her while she's vulnerable. I'm sitting here trying to self reflect and distinguish whether these feelings I'm having are real or just sympathy for her. I'm staring off into space, in my own world when my phone rings and it's Tia. I damn near drop it, grabbing at it in midair like a hot potato before I finally answer the call.


Taehyung's POV

When I walk into the kitchen to meet the homeowner, I'm unprepared to see her. She is so beautiful, just sitting there not doing anything special, palming a mug in her hands. My heart skips several beats as I take in all that is her. Having to verify that she is the customer, I call her name which tastes sweet as honey on my tongue. When I shake her hand, it's like a current is surging through my veins, warming me from within. I can't seem to avert my eyes or let go of her hand and I just stare at her with a goofy smile on my face. She must think I'm such an idiot.

I can't hide the way that I'm blushing, listening to her friend picking on her and seeing her reaction. I am, however, curious as to why she would need the police to come over until she mentions something about a text. Maybe she has a crazy ex or something. I hang back, giving her the time and space to say her goodbyes and see her friends off. Outside, we make small talk for a bit before she tells me what happened in the early hours of the morning.

As she's speaking, I'm taking her in, standing next to me looking angelic as the wind plays in her curls. I'm noticing a green and blue bruise on the inside of her index finger when she pushes locks from her face, and another one on the inside of her right leg, just above her ankle. I have never felt this comfortable to be touching a stranger in such an intimate way. Is this love at first sight? Placing her hand over my heart, it feels like I've just slid a puzzle piece into its perfect spot. I feel strange, like I will do anything to protect this woman. This can't be love, right? I literally just met this woman but I'm completely entranced, under her spell, and willing to do anything to make sure she's safe and happy.

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