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I'm very close to pulling this book off of the internet. As grateful as I am for the love and support I have received (which is little given the amount of ghost readers there are), I have qualms with you guys. It's very sad that this isn't the first time I have had to set boundaries.

ONE. This is a callout to @Avengergirl99. Stop copying this book. In any way. Yes, that means five and the oc are divorced. Yes, that means Anastasia's entire character and backstory. Yes, that means Ronan!! Yes, that absolutely means dialogue as well. The whole reason why I wrote this fucking book is to be original! If this book gave you the inspiration to write, great. I'm so glad. That doesn't mean you get to straight up copy me. Write something different. Be fucking creative, or don't write anything at all. I know, it's harsh, but I don't care anymore. It's incredibly disrespectful to write the same plot as I did and take credit for it.

TWO. I'm not answering comments anymore. Some of you ask stupid question or say dumb shit. If you actually read it, you probably won't have any questions.

THREE. Don't steal my graphics. If you want to use them, ask me, and then credit me. Please. I'm literally begging for respect. I worked hard on those! It's so rude.

I guess all I'm really saying is have basic human empathy, or just leave my shit alone. I'm so tired of this. I've been having this conversation with multiple people for the last eight months, and I'm fucking sick of it. If you know of anyone else who has copied this book (or any of my other writing), please dm me.

Thanks a fucking lot.

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