The Big Car Chase & Dance Fight

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After escaping from the exploding mansion, the Toon kids and the grown up dogs and cats lead the kittens and puppies to safety, and soon arrived to a small town called Dinsford, where Fagin and Boney were at the moment. Boney 10: "There you are!, I see you rescued the puppies and kittens." Gidget: "Well... not just them... as you can see, there are a lot of puppies... 96 with the original 3, which makes 99 puppies total." Fagin: "No way... 99?!" Patch: "Yeah... that evil lady... she was gonna make coats out of us!" Oliver: "It's true, we heard her say she wanted to poison us, or drown us or bash us on the head!" Perdita: "She wouldn't..." Duchess: "Who would do such a thing..." O'Malley: "Wow... and I thought the humans I've met before were bad..." Jokeo: "She's even worse than the Demon trio." Jokey: "Yeah, and those guys were already really bad." Melody: "What are we gonna do?" Tommy: "Don't worry, the police should be on their way right now, we just need to keep Cruella and the Demon trio away from the puppies and kittens long enough for the police to arrest those creeps." Berlioz: "But how are you gonna do that?" Toulouse: "Well we got O'Malley here, to mention Dodger and Mr and Mrs Pongo here, they can protect us." Gidget: "Maybe... but I think it would be wiser if we make a run for it." Fagin: "Or drive, for we can use this moving van to carry everyone back to London." Oliver: "Uh... won't that be like stealing?" Boney 10: "Don't worry, this is actually a moving van I found in the junkyard and used my magic to restore it." Pongo: "You can do that?" Perdita: "I had no idea..." Boney 10: "There's a lot of things that many don't know me about... but never mind that, let's get you and these kids out of here before that rotten lady and the Demon trio get them again." Dodger: "Uh... speaking of which... here they come!" said Dodger, as he sees that Cruella was driving in her car, and the Demon trio were flying above her. Gidget: "Hang on everyone!, Fagin, Boney 10, get us out of here!" cried out Gidget, before she uses her psychic powers to teleport everyone, excluding Boney 10 as her psychic powers don't work against Demons, in the moving van while Fagin got teleported in the van's driver seat. Boney 10 hops into the van, just before Fagin starts driving everyone away from the area, and it wasn't long before the car chase begins. Fagin tries his best to drive away from Cruella, but the devil woman managed to keep up the pace and all the puppies and kittens were really scared. Cruella then drives to the side of the road, and rams her car into the van. Fagin: "Hey lady!, have you completely lost your mind?!, you're gonna kill us all!" Cruella: "I will have my fur coats, one way or another!" shouted Cruella, as she continues to attack the van with her own car. As for the Demon trio, they flew into the back of the moving van, glaring at the kids and animals. ThunderSmacker: "It's over for you all, your fates are sealed, now then... let's start with the orange kitten and the spotted piglet." said ThunderSmacker, which made Oliver very nervous while Cadpig snarled and steam came out of her nose. Cadpig: "Are you talking to me?" Patch: "Uh oh..." Rolly: "He called her a piglet..." Perdita: "He shouldn't have done that..." Pongo: "Nope..." Duchess: "What do you mean?" O'Malley: "What's gonna happen?" Cadpig: "Are you talking to me?!" Patch: "Now they're in for it." Dodger: "In for what?" Cadpig: "They call me... Cadpig!" shouted Cadpig in anger, before she starts flapping her ears and starts flying up into the air, much to everyone's surprise, excluding Pongo, Perdita and their other two puppies, as they have seen this before one time when a mailman made fun of the little puppy. Cadpig then flys over to the Demon trio and starts attacking them with a lot of biting on either their tails or legs, which made the trio scream a lot in pain. Jokey: "Whoa... remind me to never get on her bad side..." Jokeo: "Noted..." said the twins, before ScreamClaw grabs Cadpig by the neck, giving the little puppy an angry glare. ScreamClaw: "You little brat!, you're gonna pay for that!" Cadpig: "Help!" Patch: "Hey!, leave my little sister alone!" ScreamClaw: "Oh look, a little hero, wanna try saving her?, then give me your best shot." said ScreamClaw, before he begins to let out a crazy evil laugh, while Patch sees some rope and an idea came into his head. The little puppy then grabs the rope with his mouth, and then runs around the Demon trio, before pulling the rope to wrap up the demons, much to their surprise, before Cadpig finally got freed and lands onto Patch's back. Cadpig: "Patch... you saved me... just like Thunderbolt!" Patch: "Yeah... I guess I did..." suddenly, the van got hit by Cruella's car again, and the van was pushed off the cliff, falling down towards it's doom. Fagin: "Ahh!" Melody: "Oh no!" Tommy: "Is this the end...?" Gidget: "Not yet!" cried out Gidget, as she uses her psychic powers to teleport the moving van to the road safe and sound, before the van stops as the road was blocked by police cars and police officers, who were with Roger, Anita and Nanny, along with Winston as well. Once the van stops, everyone in it gets out, and they ran up to Roger and Anita and Nanny, who were very happy to see their dogs again. Roger: "Pongo!, you're back!" Anita: "And my darling Perdita as well." Nanny: "Not only that, but the puppies are back!, and so are the cats and kittens!" cried Nanny in joy, as she begins to pet all the puppies and kittens. But the joy was not to last, for Cruella's car came and Cruella stepped out when she sees the cops, ordering her to put her hands up in the air, saying she was under arrest. Cruella: "ScreamClaw!, ThunderSmacker!, SpaceWarp!, do something!" ordered Cruella, as the Demon flew out of the moving van and landed next to her. ScreamClaw: "Like what?" ThunderSmacker: "Yeah, we're outnumbered." SpaceWarp: "And they have g-g-guns..." Cruella: "You're demons!, they're no match for you!" ScreamClaw: "Only when we become MegaTrog, in other words, if you want us to stop them, you'll have to give us back the mask." Cruella: "Fine!, you can have it, just stop them and get those puppies!" ordered Cruella, before she gives the Demon trio the mask, much to Boney 10's shock and horror. Boney 10: "No!, stop them before one of them puts that mask on!" cried out Boney 10, but it was too late, for ScreamClaw puts the mask on, and when that happened, the Demon trio turned into energy that fused together and transformed into a giant Demon dragon with a long thing whip like tail with a blade on the tip. It was noun other than MegaTrog (voiced by Tim Curry), the Dragon Devil himself, and the sight of him made everyone shiver in fear. MegaTrog: "Yes... after all this time... I'm back!, MegaTrog the Dragon Devil has returned!" shouted MegaTrog, as he lets out an evil laugh that echoed throughout the area. Fagin: "Oh man... this is bad... isn't it...?" Winston: "Indeed..." Berlioz: "Whoa... those guys got fuzed together and turned into one big monster..." Toulouse: "I didn't knew they could do that..." Boney 10: "They could only do it when they have that mask... which I got rid of a long time ago... but now... MegaTrog... the ultimate Demon Dragon... has returned..." MegaTrog: "Indeed I have, Boney 10... and this time... you will not be able to stop me..." said MegaTrog, before he points his pitch fork at the old Demon Dragon, and a beam came out of it. The group were able to dodge the attack, but the blast caused the whole area to shake up like an earthquake. Marie rolls uncontrollably towards the demon, and bumps into his foot, before getting up and screamed in fear as MegaTrog looks down on her. Duchess: "Marie!, run!" cried out Duchess, but Marie couldn't move as she was too scared to do so. The Dragon Devil was about to attack Marie, when Oliver ran in front of the white kitten and used his claws on the monster's foot, which was very painful to the demon. MegaTrog: "Ah!, you little fur ball!" Oliver: "Leave her alone!, or else!" MegaTrog: "Or else what?, you're just a little kitten, you can't beat me, I'm an all powerful demon!" Oliver: "You're right... I can't fight you... not in brute strength at least." MegaTrog: "What are you saying?" Oliver: "How about we make a deal?" MegaTrog: "Oh?, what kind of deal?" Oliver: "How about we play a game?, if I win, you'll have to leave me, my family, and all of my friends alone forever, and go back to wherever you came from." MegaTrog: "But what if I win?" Oliver: "If you win?... well... you can have my soul..." MegaTrog: "Hmm... very well... you have a deal." said MegaTrog, before he and Oliver shook hands, or paw and claws in their case, much to everyone's shock. Marie: "Oliver... what are you doing?!, you're gonna lose your soul!" Oliver: "It's better than me losing my family and my best friends... and losing you..." said Oliver while blushing a little, which touched the little white kitten's heart. Marie: "Gosh... that's really sweet of you..." MegaTrog: "Indeed... now tell me little kitten... what's the game?" Oliver: "2 words... Dance Fight!" MegaTrog: "... What?" Oliver: "You heard me, I challenge you to a dance off, and you can't say no." MegaTrog: "Hmm... a dance off... alright... but to make it more interesting... you and I must have a dance partner." said MegaTrog, before Dodger comes over. Dodger: "Well then... mind if I be the kid's dance partner?" MegaTrog: "Doesn't matter to me who gets to be his partner... as for mine... Cruella, you're up." Cruella: "What?!, you can't be serious!" MegaTrog: "Just follow my lead." said MegaTrog, before he and Cruella went to their place, while Oliver and Dodger did the same. Marie: "Good luck Oliver... we're counting on you..." said Marie, before she licks Oliver on the cheek, which made him blush a little, before he puts his focus on the dance off. It wasn't long before MegaTrog snaps his fingers to summon a music box that begins to play the music from the 'Why should I worry' song, and that was when the challengers begin to dance to the music, trying to follow it and make it look good at the same time. Of course Dodger and Oliver knew the music all too well, allowing them to follow the rhythm with ease, and they were even able to sing the song too. Dodger: "♪Why should we worry♫?" Oliver: "♪Why should we care♫?" Dodger: "♪We may not have a dime♫." Oliver: "♪But we got street savior fair♫." Dodger: "♪The rhythm of the city, but once you get it down♫..." Oliver: "♪Said, then you can own this town, you can wear the crown♫!" Dodger: "♪Why should we worry♫?" Oliver: "♪Why should we care♫?" Dodger: "♪It's just be-bopulation♫." Oliver: "♪And we got street savior fair♫." Dodger: "♪I said Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo~♫." Oliver: "♪We said, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo~♫." said the dog and kitten pair from New York, while Cruella and MegaTrog were unable to follow and fell down, meaning that Dodger and Oliver have won the dance off. Gidget: "Alright!, they did it!" Tommy and Melody: "Hooray!" Jokey and Jokeo: "Yay!" Boney 10: "Well look at that... they did it..." once MegaTrog got back on his feet, he takes one last look at the group. MegaTrog: "Looks like you won..." Oliver: "Yeah, now remember the deal." MegaTrog: "Yes, I remember... you and everyone you love are free to go." Cruella: "What?!, you can't be serious!" MegaTrog: "That was the deal the kitten and I made." Cruella: "But what about your deal with me?!" MegaTrog: "Our deal was for you to give my trio selves back the mask in return of helping you... and now I got it back... I am now free to return to the Underworld... bye." said MegaTrog, before he uses his pitch fork to create a big puff of smoke that appeared around him and then he vanished once the smoke faded away. As for Cruella, the police came over and arrested her for kidnapping the puppies and kittens and attempting the turn them in fur coats, before taking her away to prison.

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