Enter The Alley Cat

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It was morning when Duchess and the kittens were still in the basket, sleeping, unaware that an alley cat, named Thomas O'Malley (voiced by Phil Harris), was walking towards them and noticed the basket. O'Malley: "Well now... what do we have here?" said O'Malley, before he goes over to take a closer look, and then sees Duchess coming out, surprised to by the sight of each other, and their hearts began to race a little. Duchess: "Oh... Bonjour Monsieur, is this your place?" O'Malley: "Oh... not really, I'm go wherever I like... I'm Thomas O'Malley, and what might your name?" Duchess: "My name is Duchess." O'Malley: "Hmm... beautiful name for a beautiful cat that has eyes that are like sapphires that dazzle so bright." Duchess: "Oh... you're just saying that to flatter me." O'Malley: "Can you blame me?, they really are." that was when Oliver woke up and was surprised by the sight of the newcomer. Oliver: "Uh... hi there..." O'Malley: "Who's this?" Duchess: "That's Oliver, he's not one of my children, but he's still family in a way... speaking of my children... they're in the basket." said Duchess, before the other kittens showed themselves. Toulouse: "Wow... are you a real alley cat?" O'Malley: "That's right." Toulouse: "Cool!, I'm Toulouse." Berlioz: "I'm Berlioz." Marie: "And I'm Marie, it's a pleasure to meet you... [turning to Oliver] say Oliver... do I have sapphire eyes that dazzle too?" Oliver: "Uh... I don't know... I never seen sapphires before... but if that's what your eyes are like... sure." said Oliver, before Marie giggled in delight, and then licked the orange kitten on the check, which surprised him a little while blushing. O'Malley: "Don't look now, but I think one of your kittens has found a lover." Duchess: "Oh come now, they're only children." O'Malley: "Yeah, but hey, crushes can occur on any age." Duchess: "True..." Oliver: "Um... Miss Duchess, now that the storm is over, and it's morning, can we head back to Paris?" Duchess: "Of course, dear, we just need to figure out which way that is." O'Malley: "Well lucky for you, I happen to know the way there." Toulouse: "You do?" O'Malley: "Yeah, follow me." said O'Malley, before he heads off to the direction of Paris, while the Aristocats and Oliver followed close behind. As they traveled for less than half an hour, they discovered a milk truck that was getting ready to leave. Oliver: "Hey, a milk truck!" O'Malley: "This must be our lucky day, we can ride back to Paris in it." Berlioz: "Is it safe?" O'Malley: "Of course, it's only a milk truck, come on kids, and you too, Duchess, step onboard for Paris." said O'Malley, before he and the cats went onto the truck, just when it was started to drive away. However, Marie fell off and got rolled to the ground. Marie: "Mama!, wait for me!" Duchess: "Marie!" O'Malley: "Hang on Marie!" said O'Malley, as he jumps off the truck, and ran over to Marie, picking her up in his mouth, and then ran back to the truck and jumped back on. Duchess: "Marie, are you alright?" Marie: "Yes mama, thanks to Mr O'Malley here." O'Malley: "It was no trouble at all, little princess, and when we get to Paris, I can show ya a lot of places to enjoy." Duchess: "I wish we could, but we can't, you see my mistress, she'll be so worried about us." Oliver: "Not to mention Fagin, Dodger and the others too." O'Malley: "Well humans don't really worry too much about their pets." Duchess: "No, she loves us very much... she always said that we're the greatest treasure she could owe... because with us, she'd never felt alone..." Oliver: "Yeah... same with Gidget and the others... they're my family..." said Oliver, before the scene changed to show Gidget and the other kids, and Dodger, were in a small barn next to the mansion, seeing Roquefort coming back, looking very sad. Gidget: "Hey... you must be the mouse that Melody told us about, did you had any luck at all?" Roquefort: "Not a sign of them... and I've searched all night..." Tommy: "Yeah... and poor Madame didn't slept well either..." Jokey: "Oh... me neither..." Jokeo: "This is terrible..." Dodger: "You could say that again..." Melody: "Oh this is a really sad day for all of us..." said Melody sadly, before she and the others heard footsteps coming, which came from Boney 10 himself, much to their surprise. Boney 10: "Hey everyone, what's wrong?" Gidget: "My grandmother's cats are missing, and so is Oliver." Tommy: "They could be anywhere." Boney 10: "Oh no... I'm too late!" Roquefort: "What are you talking about?" Boney 10: "I came here to warn you that the Demon trio have been spotted in these parts, and I think they might have something to do with the cats' disappearance." All: "What?!" Dodger: "Those rotten reptiles again?!" Tommy: "They must have Cat-Napped Oliver as revenge for what happened in New York!" Jokeo: "But why did they took the Aristocats too?" Jokey: "A ransom maybe?" Gidget: "Doubt it... but if the Demon trio's involved... oh gracious!, they must have..." Boney 10: "No... I checked the Underworld soul list... and their souls were not in it." Melody: "Then that would mean..." Tommy: "They're still alive somewhere!" Gidget: "Come on everyone!, we got to find the cats before the Demon trio does!" cried out Gidget, before she and the others ran off to continue their search for the cats, in hopes to find them before the evil demon trio does.

Oliver & Company JDD Versionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें