The Meeting At The Pier

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It was evening when Fagin returned to the barge, and he was looking very sad and very worried. Fagin: "Oh what's the use... I'll never get the money in time... and soon I'm gonna lose my soul... and so are Dodger and the kids... oh this is bad... what am I gonna do?" asked Fagin, before Oliver, Dodger, and the Toon kids, including Gidget, came to the scene. Gidget: "Excuse me... are you Fagin by any chance?" Fagin: "Uh... yes, that's me... who are you?" Gidget: "My name's Gidget... and I'm a friend of Tommy, Melody, Jokey and Jokeo here." Fagin: "Really?, you're the Gidget that Tommy and the others told me about?" Gidget: "They talked about me?" Fagin: "Yes, they said you were a really nice girl, and a cat with psychic powers... though I never really believed that..." Gidget: "Well it's true, I do have psychic powers... and I guess they also mentioned that I'm rich... right?" Fagin: "What?!, you're rich?" Gidget: "Oh... I take it that they didn't mentioned that?" Melody: "We didn't think it mattered at the time." Fagin: "So... you have a lot of money?" Gidget: "Well... my family does... but they're gone now... and the company chose someone else the run the company until I'm old enough to run it myself... but that won't stop me from using my money to help those in need... and that includes on saving my friends." Fagin: "Saving them?" Tommy: "We kinda told her about the Mr Sykes and the Demon trio..." Melody: "And that we need the money to pay them before time runs out." Fagin: "So... you can help us?" Gidget: "Of course, any friend of my friends are friends of mine, and it's the least I can do to thank you for taking care of my friends too [then shows Fagin a golden brick] this here golden brick, which my family had a lot of in the bank, should do the trick." Fagin: "Oh thank you!, I'm forever in your debt!, it's a miracle!" Tommy: "Well... I guess we got the money... now all we need to do is give it to Mr Sykes and the Demon trio..." Melody: "But... that would mean we have to call them that we have it..." Tommy: "Yeah..." said Tommy, as Oliver and Dodger looked at him with concern, knowing that what they need to do next is gonna be dangerous if they don't do it right. Soon, at the pier, Fagin, who made a call with Sykes about the money, was waiting for him and the trio to arrive, while the kids, Oliver and Dodger were hiding behind some cans, as they don't want to go near the trio when they arrive. Soon, the bargeman sees a car coming, and out of it came Mr Sykes himself, along with the Demon trio, who growled at him. Sykes: "So... you managed to get the money?" Fagin: "That's right... here..." said Fagin, showing the Loan Shark and Demons the golden brick, which really surprised them. Sykes: "Well... this is certainly something worth waiting for... but tell me... how did you get this?" Fagin: "Oh uh... I sort of found it on the street..." ScreamClaw: "Oh please, a golden brink in the middle of the street?, that's a really bad lie." ThunderSmacker: "Where did you get it really?" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." Fagin: "Does it matter?, I mean I got you money as promised... right?" Sykes: "True... but I would really to know where you got it... after all... last thing I want is money that would put me behind bars..." Fagin: "Um... I got it from a friend... that's all you need to know... now if you excuse me... I must be off now..." said Fagin, before ScreamClaw grabs him by the neck. ScreamClaw: "Who is your friend that gave you the gold?, we're dying to find out..." ThunderSmacker: "And so are you." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yup..." Fagin: "Ah... uh... can't... breathe..." Gidget: "Stop it!, leave him alone!" shouted Gidget, as she came out of hiding, unable to bare seeing the demons bullying Fagin. Sykes: "Ah... you must be the daughter of the rich couple that passed away some time ago..." Gidget: "Yes... my name is Gidget, and now that you got your money, I'll now ask you to leave Mr Fagin and my friends alone." Sykes: "Very well... you have a deal... we'll leave him and your friends alone..." ThunderSmacker: "But the kitten... is ours." said ThunderSmacker, before he fires a beam from his pitch fork that hits the trash cans, revealing the other Toons, Dodger and Oliver. That was when ScreamClaw flies over to the group and grabs Oliver, much to the others shock and horror. Melody: "Hey!, let go of him!" ScreamClaw: "Sorry little girl, but this kitten needs to pay for hurting my brother... and now that we got our money... we can leave." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons went into Sykes car, which Sykes goes back into as well and drove away from the scene. Fagin: "Wait!, you can't take him!, that wasn't the deal!, you can't do this!, come back!, Sykes!" shouted Fagin, as he sees the car driving away from the scene. Dodger: "Kid... no..." Jokeo: "Little buddy..." Jokey: "Not Oliver... not our little buddy..." Tommy: "This can't be happening..." Melody: "Oliver... they took Oliver!" Dodger: "Don't worry... we'll get him back... that's a promise..." said Dodger, as he glares at the direction that the car drove away to.

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