Meeting The Gang & The Demons

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After getting the hot dogs and getting away from Old Louie, Dodger was now at the docks, still unaware that the orange kitten was still following him. Dodger goes into a barge, and the kitten follows him into it. Once the dog gets inside, he sees a group of kids watching TV. Of course these were not normal kids, they were Toons, which are like living drawings that normally get a job as characters for silly cartoons. The first Toon was a young fox boy with a rainbow bow tie named Tommy (voiced by Tara Strong), the second was a little blue rabbit girl that wears a red sleeveless dress named Melody (voiced by Nancy Cartwright), who happens to be Tommy's little sister, and the last two are hyena twins named Jokey (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke), who wears a green shirt, and Jokeo (voiced by Tom Kenny), who wears an orange shirt. Jokey: "Hey look!, Dodger's back!" called out Jokey, before the other kids turned their heads to see Dodger. Melody: "Hi Mr Dodger sir... are those hot dogs?" Dodger: "They sure are kid, I hope you'll like them." Tommy: "Well it's not like we have a choice, for food is not easy to get around here..." Jokeo: "No kidding... at this rate, we'll just about eat anything." Dodger: "Good to hear." Tommy: "Um... how did you get these?" Dodger: "Oh... I sort of had help, a big monster cat that can scare the heck out of any dog that takes one look at him... but not me though." Melody: "Really?" Jokey: "Um... would the cat be the owner of that big cat shadow over there?" asked Jokey, pointing at the large scary looking cat shaped shadow that was seen on the wall. Melody: "Ah!, the cat monster!" cried out Melody in fear, before Tommy looks down to see where the shadow was coming from, and sees the little orange kitten coming in. Tommy: "That's no monster... it's a kitten." said Tommy, before Melody looks at the kitten, and her eyes turned into hearts and ran over to pick up the kitten and gives him a hug. Melody: "Aw~, such an adorable little kitty!" Jokeo: "What's a kitten doing here?" Kitten: "Uh... I was following this dog cause half of those hot dogs were mine as I helped him on getting them." Melody: "Dodger, is that true?" Dodger: "Well... maybe..." Tommy: "Dodger, you should have given him some." Dodger: "Hey I was gonna give him some... after feeding you guys first." Melody: "But the little guy here must have been starving... poor thing..." Kitten: "Wait... you can understand me?" Tommy: "Of course, we Toons have the ability to talk to all kinds of creatures, both humans and animals." Kitten: "Cool!, but... what's a Toon?" Melody: "It's like a drawing... but it's alive, and normally we have a job as characters for cartoons..." Jokey: "But we lost our jobs when our show got canceled..." Jokeo: "And now we live on the streets... with no one there to help us..." Dodger: "That's not true, you got me and Fagin." Melody: "How true." Kitten: "Who's Fagin?" Tommy: "He's a human that happens to be Dodger's owner, as well as the bargeman here... and like us, he has a hard time to make a lot of money and stuff... but he tries his best to take care of us, while we help him back in return." Dodger: "Speaking of which... I think I hear him coming." said Dodger, before a man, who happens to be Fagin (voiced by Dom DeLuise), comes into the scene, and he was looking very worried. Fagin: "Oh man... what a rough day..." Melody: "What's the matter?" Tommy: "Did you find anything that's worth something?" Fagin: "I'm afraid not... and he'll be here any moment now... [hearing a car honking] Sykes!" Jokey and Jokeo: "Uh oh..." Tommy: "Not him..." Melody: "If he's here... that means... so are they..." Fagin: "Kids... you stay here..." said Fagin, before he goes outside and walks to a car that was waiting for him. At the same time, a trio of what looked like demons in the forms of dragons with pitch forks, came to the scene and were off into the room where Dodger and the others were. The first demon in red was ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), the second demon in blue was ThunderSmacker (voiced by Jim Cummings), and the third in black was SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker), and together they were known as the Demon trio. ScreamClaw: "Look here boys... the brats who owes some some money... and souls..." ThunderSmacker: "Yes, and either they pay us the money... or they'll have to give us their souls instead." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what you said..." said the Demon trio, while the kitten tries to hide under a box. Meanwhile, back with Fagin, he was standing in front of the car's driver seat door, and the window opened up to reveal Mr Bill Sykes (voiced by Robert Loggia), a loan shark and shipyard agent, who was a man that Fagin owed some money to. Sykes: "Mr Fagin... tell me... where is my money...?" Fagin: "Oh uh... well... I'm getting close on getting it... I just uh... need some time... that's all... in order to get it, see?" Sykes: "What I don't see... is the money you owe me... I lend you some money... and I expect you to give it back... that was the deal we made... don't tell me that you were planning on cheating on me... were you?" Fagin: "No!, of course not!, I might be a man who steals, but I have honor, I just need time to get the money... and it ain't easy when you're someone like me... right?" Sykes: "I don't care how hard it is for you to get it... I want you to pay me back... or else my Demon friends will take your soul... along with ones of that dog and Toon freaks of yours... have I made myself clear?!" Fagin: "Uh yes... very clear..." back with Dodger and the others, the Demon were circling around them, making the Toon kids feel very scared. ScreamClaw: "While the boss talks with your pal... we'll do some talking ourselves..." ThunderSmacker: "Yes, like telling me how superior I am to you." SpaceWarp: "Uh... I d-d-don't know what to say..." Melody: "That's okay... you don't have to say anything..." ScreamClaw: "Maybe he doesn't... but I sure do... like you owe us some money that we gave you to pay for the food that you ate some time ago... and we expect you to pay us back... or we'll have your souls instead." ThunderSmacker: "That's right, and believe me, losing a soul is a terrible price for you to pay." said two of the demons, before Melody got more scared and tries to hide behind her brother. Tommy: "Hey don't do that!, you're scaring her!, pick on somebody your own size!" ScreamClaw: "Like your friend, Fagin?" Jokey: "No, probably another big and ugly reptile like you." ScreamClaw: "Ugly?!" Dodger: "Hey ScreamClaw, calm down, have you lost your sense of humor?" ScreamClaw: "No... I haven't lost my sense of humor... [kicking a trashcan that knocks over the TV] see?, I find that funny." said ScreamClaw as he chuckled, before ThunderSmacker finds the orange kitten under the opened box. ThunderSmacker: "Hey boys, look what I found." SpaceWarp: "Uh... a k-k-kitten..." ThunderSmacker: "Yes... and I'll bet his soul will be tasty." said ThunderSmacker, as he was reaches out for the kitten, who was scared out of his wits. So out of fear and defense, the kitten uses his claws to scratch ThunderSmacker on the nose, which made him roared in pain and anger, while the kitten runs over to a corner and was looking very scared as the Demon trio were looming over him, before Dodger came over and stood between the trio and the kitten. ScreamClaw: "Get out our way!" Dodger: "That's enough!" said Dodger, before the Toon kids joined him on defending the kitten. Tommy: "Leave him alone!" Melody: "As if bullying us wasn't enough, now you're picking on little kittens?!" Jokey and Jokeo: "Beat it!" said the kids, as they and Dodger stood up to the trio, who were looking very angry. Meanwhile, back with Fagin, he was begging for mercy. Fagin: "Oh please!, I'm begging you!, give me just a little bit more time!" Sykes: "... Alright... I'll 3 days... no more than that... got it?" Fagin: "3 days?!" Sykes: "Either it's 3 days from now... or pay now." Fagin: "Well... alright..." said Fagin, before Sykes begins to honk his car's horn, alerting the trio that it was time to go. Dodger: "You better go demons, your master is calling." ScreamClaw: "Fine... but this isn't over... you're all gonna pay..." ThunderSmacker: "Starting with that cat!" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said..." said the Demon trio, before they leave the scene, and the kitten was amazed on how Dodger and the Toon kids just stood up to the Demon trio like that, just to protect him and all that. Melody: "Hey Oliver... are you okay?" Kitten: "Yeah... I'm fine... thanks for protecting me... nobody has ever done that for me before... wait... what did you call me?" Melody: "I called you Oliver... I have to call you something... and it was the first name that came to my head... unless you already have a name..." Kitten: "No... actually I didn't had a name... and I like it... Oliver... it has a nice ring to it." Tommy: "Yeah... I like it too." Jokey and Jokeo: "Us too!" Dodger: "And also... not bad with that scratch back there, you must have some really sharp claws to do that." Oliver: "Yeah... well they can be pretty handy when needed..." that was when Fagin came back to the scene, and he was looking sad and worried. Fagin: "Oh... 3 days... we only have 3 days... that's hardly enough time... oh man... what am I gonna do?" Tommy: "It's okay Mr Fagin, we'll help ya on getting the money." Melody: "Of course, it's the least we can do to help the man who tries his best on looking after us when no one else would." Fagin: "Yeah... thanks... that means a lot... by the way... I saw ThunderSmacker's nose... who did that?" Melody: "That would be Oliver here." said Melody, picking up Oliver and showing him to the only human in the room. Fagin: "Huh... a little kitten... he must have a lot of guts to scratch a demon dragon like that... and his name's Oliver, right?" Melody: "That's the name I just gave him, he's a stray like us." Fagin: "Well then Oliver... welcome to the family... it's not much... but I hope you don't mind us being your family..." said Fagin, before Oliver went over to Fagin and give him some licks on the cheek, which made the man laugh by the tickling feeling from the licks. Tommy: "I don't think he minds at all." Fagin: "Yes... so I can see..." later, when night came, Fagin and the others went off to bed, going to sleep in either broken chairs, a worn out mattress or in Dodger's case, a little box with a blanket inside, and Oliver went into the box to sleep with Dodger, who couldn't help but smile as he watches Oliver sleeping besides him in a cute way, before going to sleep himself.

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