Street Money & The Wealthy Girl

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It was morning when Fagin, Oliver, Dodger, and the Toon kids were at the streets of New York city, ready to work on getting the money they need to pay back Sykes and the Demon trio. Fagin: "Alright gang, you go out and try getting half of the money, while I try my best to get the other half, remember, we only have 2 days to get it now." said Fagin, before he goes off to who knows where in his scooter bike, while the rest of the gang go off to do their part on getting the money they need. Oliver: "So... what are we gonna do?" Melody: "Well... I'm not sure really, my brother and I are still kinda new in the gang." Tommy: "Yeah, we only joined about 2 days before you came along." Jokeo: "Well we shouldn't worry, I mean it's not like we're gonna steal the money from others." Dodger: "Um... well actually..." Melody: "What?!, steal the money?!, we can't do that!" Tommy: "Yeah, first of all, it's wrong, and second, if we try stealing the money, we'll get arrested!" Jokey: "They kinda have a point there..." Dodger: "Well do you have a better idea on how to get the money, kid?" Tommy: "Um... well... maybe... oh!, I got an idea!" Oliver: "What is it?" Tommy: "Well..." a few moments later, there was some music being played, which caught the attention of a lot of people, and it wasn't long before they see the Toon kids dancing on a street corner with a sign that said 'Help these orphans', and Oliver joined them in the dancing, while Dodger just watched. Soon the people in the area came to them and were amazed by their dancing, and it wasn't long before they gave the kids some money, wanting to help them and stuff, while Dodger looked at them with amazement. Dodger: "Hmm... not bad... for a group of Toons anyway." meanwhile, Fagin was doing his best to sell a pocket watch to a man that owns a clock store, but had no luck as the watch was broken and all that. Back with the Toons, kitten and dog, a limousine came to the scene, and stops in front of the group, much to their confusion. Suddenly the backseat door opened up, and out came a little Toon girl that was like a pink cat with a purple sleeveless dress. Her name was Gidget (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), and she was someone that the Toon Kids knew very well. Gidget: "Tommy!, there you are!" said Gidget, before she runs over to him and gave him a big hug, causing the fox boy to blush a little. Tommy: "Uh... it's great to see you too, Gidget..." Melody: "Miss Gidget!, is it really you?" Gidget: "It sure is Melody, and I see that the boys are here too." Jokey and Jokeo: "Hi." Oliver: "Um... who is this?" Tommy: "Oh sorry, Oliver, Dodger, this is Gidget, she's a friend of ours, she used to be in the cartoons we were stars of." Melody: "Yeah... but we haven't seen each other since the show got canceled and all that." Jokeo: "So how's the family business?" Gidget: "Well... it's certainly a lot of work, places to go and all that... but someone has to do it... now with mom and dad..." said Gidget, before she starts to look down in sadness, which made the other Toons feel sorry for her. Tommy: "It's okay Gidget... we know the feeling..." Melody: "Yeah... we orphans have to stick together..." Jokeo: "Though she probably would rather stick around money now..." Gidget: "Don't be ridiculous, I would rather have my best friends than a lot of cash any day." Dodger: "Really?, is that so?" Gidget: "Yes... are you and Oliver Tommy's pets?" Oliver: "Not really, our owner is Fagin, he's the one that's taking care of us, along with Tommy, Melody, Jokey and Jokeo here." Jokey: "Yup, but right now he's in a bit of trouble." Gidget: "What do you mean?" Jokeo: "Well you see..." before the kids could finish, Winston (voiced by William Glover), Gidget's family butler, came out of the car. Winston: "Miss Gidget, I'm sorry to interrupt your reunion with your friends, but you have a meeting in 10 minutes, and you mustn't be late." Gidget: "Okay Winston... [turning to the Toons] sorry you guys, but I gotta get going... it was nice to see you all again... especially you Tommy." said Gidget, before she walks up to the fox boy and kisses him on the cheek, causing him to blush a little as the cat girl heads back into the limousine that drove away from the scene. Oliver: "Wow... she seems nice." Tommy: "Yeah... she's the nicest girl I know..." Dodger: "Yeah, and it seems that she really likes you." said Dodger with a smirk, causing Tommy to look away from him while blushing even harder. Oliver: "Hey... do you think she can give us the money we need?" Tommy: "Oh uh... I don't know..." Dodger: "Ain't she rich?" Tommy: "Yeah... her family's very wealthy... they were the owners of the company that makes cars, planes and boats here in New York... and they do foundations for some animals as well." Dodger: "Then she can no doubt be a big help to us... where does she live?" Tommy: "At the biggest mansion... close to Central Park." Dodger: "Can you take us there?" Tommy: "Um... I don't know..." Melody: "She might not have the time, she's really busy now." Dodger: "Well it wouldn't hurt to try, right?" Jokey: "Yeah, maybe she has something we could eat." Jokeo: "Oh good idea bro." Melody: "And maybe she has some new clothes we can get." Tommy: "Hmm... well... alright, but let's not get our hopes up, okay?" said Tommy, before he and the others went off to find the mansion where Gidget lives in.

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