The Kitten & The Street Dog

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When morning came, the sky was clear again, and the kitten finally wakes up and comes out of the trashcan, and begins to find something to eat. While walking the streets, the kitten sees a boy dancing to some music from a boombox, and the kittens couldn't help but to dance with it too, until the boy's mother came and tells the boy to come along, and the boy obeyed his mother and the kitten was alone again. Just then, a delicious smell went into the kitten's nose, and the kitten followed the smell to what looked like a hot dog cart that was owned by a man named Old Louie (voiced by Frank Welker), and he was no fan of any four legged creature. Old Louie: "Beat it cat!, these hot dogs ain't for you!, beat it!" shouted Old Louie, making the kitten feel scared and ran off. Little did the kitten knew at the time, was that a street dog witnessed the whole thing. The dog's name was Dodger (voiced by Billy Joel), and he got an idea on how to get some hot dogs, which involves the little kitten (voiced by young Joey Lawrence). Dodger: "Hey kid, first time living on the streets?" Kitten: "G-get away from me!, I don't taste good!" Dodger: "Easy kid, I don't eat cats, too much fur... besides, I prefer hot dogs... which you seemed to have failed on getting any." Kitten: "Oh... you saw that, huh?" Dodger: "Yeah... but don't worry, you're not the first one to fail on getting some hot dogs over there... that human... Old Louie, hates all creatures that walk on four legs... but if we work together... we can get some hot dogs... what do you say?" Kitten: "Uh... well I guess it's worth a try... when are we gonna get those hot dogs?" Dodger: "Right now..." said Dodger, before he starts barking that scares the kitten enough to make him run away and Dodger chases him. It wasn't long before the pair arrived to where Old Louie was and they caused the human to lose balance and fell over, allowing Dodger to steal some hot dogs before running off from the angry human. Once Dodger was far enough away from Old Louie, he sees the kitten trying to hide in a can. Dodger: "Nice work kid, you sure can run." Kitten: "Y-y-yeah... hey... you got some hot dogs." Dodger: "Yup, thanks to you, now then... I better head off and have my meal." said Dodger, before he heads off to who knows where. Kitten: "Hey wait!, I helped you get those!, half of those are mine!" Dodger: "You want 'em, come and get 'em." said Dodger, before he begins to sing a song. Dodger: "♪One minute I'm in Central Park, then, I'm down on Delancey Street♫, ♪said, from the Bow'ry to St Mark's, There's a syncopated beat, Right♫, ♪I said, Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo♫, ♪I'm streetwise, I can improvise♫, ♪I said, Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo♫, ♪I'm street smart, I've got New York City heart♫, ♪Why should I worry?, Why should I care?♫, ♪I may not have a dime, But I got street savoir faire♫, ♪Why should I worry?, Why should I care?♫, ♪It's just be-bopulation, And I got street savoir faire♫, ♪The rhythm of the city, But once you get it down♫, ♪Said, then you can own this town, You can wear the crown!♫, ♪Why should I worry?, Why should I care?♫, ♪I may not have a dime, But I got street savoir faire♫, ♪Why should I worry?, Why should I care?♫, ♪It's just be-bopulation, And I got street savoir faire♫, I said, Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo♫, ♪Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo♫, ♪Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo~♫." sang Dodger, as he runs off to who knows where, unaware that the kitten was able to keep up with him and following him to what looked like the docks.

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