Everybody Wants To Be A Cat

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After saying goodbye to the geese, the Aristocats, along with Oliver and O'Malley, were on their way back to Madame's mansion. Duchess: "Thomas, are you sure that we can't get home tonight?, Madame will be so worried." Marie: "Mama... I'm tired..." Berlioz: "Me too, and my feet hurt..." Oliver: "Mine too..." Toulouse: "Same with mine..." O'Malley: "Look Duchess, it's late, and the kids are bushed, they could really use some rest." Duchess: "Oh... you're right... I suppose we should look for a place to sleep for the night." O'Malley: "Lucky for you all, I know a place." Toulouse: "Really?, how much further is it?" O'Malley: "Don't worry, it's just around the next chimney." said the alley cat, before sees there was some lights and music being played inside the old building. Oliver: "Were you expecting company?" O'Malley: "Oh!, sounds like Scat Cat and his gang have dropped by." Duchess: "Oh, friends of yours?" O'Malley: "Yeah, they're old buddies of mine, you wouldn't mind meeting them, do you?" Duchess: "Of course not, I would love to meet your friends." O'Malley: "Well, okay." a moment later, they went to the skylight of the building, and see some alley cats playing some instruments. The leader of the alley cats was Scat Cat (voiced by Scatman Crothers), and he was the same color as Berlioz, and was playing the trumpet. Scat Cat: "Well looky here!, big cat O'Malley is back in his alley, turn on down here daddy!" said Scat Cat, as he and O'Malley made a high five, or a high four in their case. That was when Duchess came over to them. O'Malley: "Duchess, this here Scat Cat himself." Duchess: "Well I'm delighted to meet you, Monsieur Scat Cat." said Duchess, as Scat Cat kisses her paw. Scat Cat: "Likewise Duchess, you're too much." Duchess: "My, aren't you charming, and your music is so... so different, but very exciting." Berlioz: "It isn't Beethoven, mama, but it sure bounces." Scat Cat: "Say, this kitten knows where it's at." Marie: "Knows where what's at?" Scat Cat: "Well little lady, let me put it in a way with a song here." said Scat Cat, before he begins to sing. Scat Cat: "Everybody wants to be a cat, Because a cat's the only cat, Who knows where it's at♫." O'Malley: "Tell me, everybody's picking up on that feline beat, cause everything else is obsolete♫." Scat Cat: "♪A square with a horn makes you wish you weren't born, every time he plays♫." O'Malley: "♪But with a square in the act, you can set music back♫." Scat Cat: "♪To the cave man days, cha-cha-ba-dum-bo-day♫." O'Malley: "♪I've heard some corny birds who who tried to sing♫." Scat Cat: "♪Still a cat's the only cat who knows how to swing, who wants to dig a long-haired gig or stuff like that?♫" O'Malley & Scat Cat: "♪When everybody wants to be a cat, a square with a horn makes you wish you weren't born, every time he plays♫." Oliver: "♪Oh, a rinky-tinky-tinky♫." O'Malley & Scat Cat: "♪With a square in the act you can set music back, to the cave man days♫." Marie: "♪Oh, a rinky-tinky-tinky, yes, everybody wants to be a cat, because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at, when playing jazz you always has a welcome mat♫." O'Malley & Scat Cat: "♪'Cause everybody digs a swinging cat♫."that was when Oliver turns on a lamp, hanging from the ceiling, bringing some colorful lights in the room, motivating the other cats to play some more upbeat jazz music. It wasn't long before started to dance, like Duchess and O'Malley dancing together for example, or Oliver dancing with Marie for another. That was when Scat Cat and his gang started to dance on top of a piano while playing music. All: "♪Everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat, Hallelujah!, everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat, I'm telling you, everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat, yeah!, everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be... a... cat!~~~♫" once the song ended, Scat Cat and his gang decided it was time for them to go, but promising Duchess and the others that they'll see them again. Meanwhile, elsewhere in Paris, Fagin, Dodger, and the Toon kids continued their search for Oliver and the Aristocats, but so far, still no luck. Melody: "Oh... I'm so tired... but I can't quit... Oliver and the other kitties... we gotta find them before the Demon trio does..." Tommy: "Yeah... but still... we can't find them if we get ourselves too tired to do anything..." Jokey and Jokeo: "Yeah..." Gidget: "Well Boney 10 says that their souls are not in the underworld, so there's still hope..." Fagin: "Yeah... but for how long...?" Dodger: "Hang on kid... we'll find ya..." said Dodger, determined to find Oliver. Speaking of which, back with him, he and the other kittens were secretly watching Duchess talking to O'Malley. Duchess: "Thomas... are you sure that you can't stay with us with Madame?" O'Malley: "I'm an alley cat... me and humans don't really mix all that well..." Duchess: "But Madame isn't like those humans... she's really nice, and you'll love her if you just give her a chance..." O'Malley: "It's not that simple... I wish it was... I'm really gonna miss you... and those kids..." Duchess: "I understand... I'll miss you too too... good night Thomas..." O'Malley: "Goodnight Duchess..." said the two adult cats sadly, before they went to bed, unaware that the kittens has listened to the whole thing, before they went back to bed. Marie: "Oliver... will you come back to visit me and my family someday... after we get back home?" Oliver: "I don't know... maybe... Gidget's psychic powers were how I got here in the first place... I wish that your mama and Mr O'Malley could be together..." Marie: "Me too... then maybe I would have gotten a father again..." Oliver: "What happened to your father?" Berlioz: "There was an accident... and he didn't make it..." Oliver: "Oh... I'm so sorry..." Toulouse: "It's okay... at least we still have our mama..." Oliver: "Yeah... [yawning] come on... let's get back to bed..." said Oliver, before he and the other kittens went back to sleep.

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