Corrupted Todoroki

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Third Person Pov:

Mina had just finished treating a woman that came back with a big cut going down her face while one of her arms had been cut off. Mei was also taking care in helping on the injured folk that came back. As the two pink haired girls worked on healing, Uraraka was working on handing our food and keeping all the children happy and at bay.


After hearing her name she turned her attention towards the stable to see Denki getting off his horse before leading the horse over to Mina.

"What happened?! Are you alright?!" Mina asked. "Excuse me.." Mina apologized to the woman before running over to her friend. When she saw Sero passed out on the horse she got worried. "What happened to Sero?!" Mina cried out.

"Both him and Momo got caught up in a fight and his head seems to be bleeding quite a lot." Denki explained before carefully taking Sero off the horse and putting Sero on one of the empty cots.

"Denki, go see Mei so I can take care of him. Uraraka! We're going to need more help over here!"

"On it!" Uraraka replied before moving over to the woman Mina was originally treating.

"Yes Ma'am." Denki said before leaving Mina to work on Sero.

Mina tightens her apron before grabbing some rags, bandages, some medicinal herbs, a mortal and pestle, a needle, and some thread before pulling up a stool next to Sero. Before getting to work she took off his armor and undershirt to make sure he wasn't stabbed or cut anywhere else before throwing some Lavendar, Ginger, a little water, and white willow bark in the mortal and pestle before grinding the ingredients together till it turned into a paste.


Bakugou wandered down the dark sprial stairwell till they reached the bottom. It was so dark and Bakugou was getting annoyed that he couldn't see so he grabbed an unlit torch from the wall mount.

"Kiri, light this." Bakugou ordered before tossing the torch over to the redhead.

"As you wish." Kirishima joked before lighting the torch with some fire that came from his mouth. He lit it till they had perfect lighting.

The once dark stairwell was now lit enough for Bakugou to figure out which turn they had to take to get to the cells.
Bakugou turns left but paused right after. He pulls both Jirou and Kirishima behind him because he heard the sound of people running down the stairs behind them.

"We've got company." Bakugou explains.

"You go ahead, I'll make sure no one passes me." Jirou said.

"Are you sure? It sounds like a group." Kirishima asked.

"I'm sure, go on so we can hurry and assist the others outside." Jirou said before shooing them away.

Bakugou just nodded before running off with Kirishima right behind him.

They ran till they reached the dungeon door. The first thing Bakugou noticed was the chain lock.

"Kirishima, we don't have time to get the keys, do you think your teeth are strong enough to bite the chain off?" Bakugou asked the red head.

"Of course I can, leave it to me!" Kirishima said before bitting into the chain and ripping it apart. After the lock fell to the floor, Bakugou kicked the door open.

"Deku?!" Bakugou called before being tackled to the ground.

"You came for me! You actually came for me Kacchan!" Deku cried out. Bakugou rolls his eyes before rubbing the greenette's back.

"There there, don't cry, we still need to get you out and get rid of Enji." Bakugou stated before pushing Deku off before helping him up. "Come on Kirishima." Bakugou pointed back the way they came and Kirishima nodded as he helped Inko out of the cell.


Momo charged at Todoroki with her sword infront of her, she was ready to slay the prince and thought she had him but was pushed back because of some black ice that rose from the ground to protect the prince from the attack. Momo just clicked her tongue in annoyance before mantling over the ice as she tried to hit Todoroki.
Todoroki was now paying attention to Momo and used his sword to deflect her attack.

"Your attack is meaningless." Todoroki said before sending some ice shards her way. Momo ducks and dodges the ice but Todoroki grabbed her by the wrist before sending her flying into a huge chunk of ice.

Momo gasped before coughing up blood. She then looked up at Todoroki before wiping her mouth.

"I thought you were on our side!" Momo growled out as she stood back up. Even though her stance wasn't straight, she still held on to her sword with a firm grip. "I thought you were one of us!"

"One of you? Why would I ever be one of you?" Todoroki scoffed out before rolling his eyes and raising his sword.

"Finish her Shoto, quit chit chatting." Enji ordered his son.

Todoroki used some ice to try and trap Momo but she moved out of the way and tried to trip Todoroki so he would fall for a second but failed and ended up getting impaled in the leg. Momo let out a small whimper as she crashed to ground.

"Y-you fucker.." Momo cursed out as she quickly grabbed a shield and protected herself from Todoroki's sword.

"Just die already." Todoroki yawned out before kicking the shield away and freezing her hands to ground. "All you are doing is boring me." Todoroki complained before swinging his sword, he was going to dehead her but before he could, he was attacked and sent off the a cliff.

"BAKUGOU!" Kirishima and Deku both shouted after watching the blond tackle the prince, sending them both down the cliff and into the woods.

End of Chapter

Word Count: 974

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