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Third Person's Pov:

As Bakugou's wounds were being treated, Sero and Todoroki were both sent to retrieve the waggon and attach the horse to it again. Bakugou was still skeptical but he allowed his wounds to be treated. He didn't talk much to the ravenette and Shota was focused on Bakugou's wounds and decided to have small talk once he was done.

Bakugou watches Shota stand up and return the medical supplies to their original spot before disappearing from Bakugou's line of sight. Bakugou was curious about what the man was up to this time but he knew he couldn't stay much longer, they had stuff to do, they were supposed to be going to war the day after tomorrow after all.

When Shota returned he noticed Bakugou was deep in thought about something. He didn't even notice when Shota approached him.
When Bakugou finally sees a hand being waved in front of his face which causes him to jump a bit before looking up at the man.

"What's on your mind kid?" He asked while placing a plate of food down in front of Bakugou.

"It's nothing you have to worry about old man." Bakugou replies.

"Well, eat up then." 

"Is it poisonous?" Bakugou asked while quirking a brow and pushing the plate away.

"Who knows, maybe it is, only one way for you to find out." Shota replied before walking away once again.
Bakugou just stared down at the food skeptically before grabbing a fork. He begins to move things around, basically playing with the food on his plate.
Sero and Todoroki had finally returned to the tavern.

"Yo Bakugou, whatcha got there?" Sero asked with a pout as he sat down and stared at Bakugou's plate. "You're gonna share it, right?" Sero whined but Bakugou rolled his eyes before watching the ravenette give the other two plates of their own.

"Oi, old man." Bakugou reaches down into his pocket before pulling out a small coin purse before handing it to the man.

"No need, the meals are on the house."

"Why? Just take the money, you don't even know us. Why would you give it to us like that." Bakugou complained before tossing the coin bag to the man. Aizawa feels the bag and noticed it weighed more than he thought it was so out of curiosity he opened it.

"This is way too much!" Shota looked at Bakugou astonished.

"What's the matter?" Hizashi asked before looking at the coin purse before looking back at Bakugou. 

"Keep it, there's a chance I won't be able to use it." Bakugou said before finally eating the food he was given. The two adults walked away together to give the boys space to enjoy their meal.

"So, why did they look so surprised?" Sero asked while taking a bite of his food. "How much did you give him?" Sero asked.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Todoroki told Sero so Sero finished the food in his mouth.

"My mad." Sero Apologized before looking back at Bakugou had finished eating already.

"You two finish eating, I'll be back by the time you finish." Bakugou told his two friends before walking out of the tavern and over to Deku's little shop. 

Bakugou opens the door but to his surprise he wasn't hugged instantly like the other times. He glances around but didn't see his short friend anywhere but decided to enter anyways.

"Deku? Where are you?" Bakugou called out but received no reply. "Deku?" Bakugou called out a little louder but again, no reply. Bakugou looked around the small shop and nothing was touched or messed up. He was confused so he left the shop before walking down to a small hut that belonged to Izuku. He had been in the little hut a few times when he stayed too late at the village.

Bakugou knocked on the door but as he knocked, the door opened on its own. To Bakugou's surprise the place was completely trashed. Bakugou looked around the house for Izuku but he and his mother were nowhere to be seen. Bakugou looked around frantically for his friend till he spotted a note on the kitchen table with a knife keeping it in place.

To the Rowdy Blond
      By the time you read this, I have already taken your green haired friend and they are already in my dungeon.

Bakugou glares at the note and started to grit his teeth together before reading on.

I think this will be a fair trade. I want my son back and you want your friend and his mother back.

After finishing the letter I tore it off the table before storming out of the house and back into the tavern. His friends were already done eating and were now no where to be seen so Bakugou approached the older pair.

"Where'd they go?!" Bakugou snapped. When Hizashi and Shota looked at Bakugou they could tell he was currently riled up and upset.

"Your friends are fine, they went out just a few moments ago." Hizashi answered. "Is everything alright? Whats got you so riled up?"

"It doesn't concern you." Bakugou storms out of the tavern before continuing his search for Todoroki and Sero. 
When he finally found them they were in front of a blacksmith filling their waggon with new goods they just bought for the war.

"It's time to go." Bakugou ordered while climbing into the waggon.

"What do you mean? We haven't gotten everything on the list yet." Sero tells Bakugou.

"It's time to go!" Bakugou snapped. Todoroki looked at Bakugou and could tell something was wrong. 

"Bakugou, what happened?" Todoroki asked Bakugou after climbing onto the waggon. "Why are you so enraged?" Bakugou growls before shoving the letter into Todoroki, causing the taller male stumble a little bit. 

"Your father happened." As Todoroki read the note he sat down and Sero started driving them back home.

Time Skip

When they got back they were greeted by Mina and Kaminari who also just came back from their trip. They came back with a successful haul just like them. They got their horses and waggons back where they belonged before being called by another friend. Kirishima had returned with both Mei and Uraraka behind him.

Instead of greeting everyone, Bakugou stormed off towards his room. Kirishima watched the blond leave which caused the redhead to snap his head towards Todoroki.

"What happened? What did you do this time?" Kirishima asked the Prince.

"He didn't do anything Kirishima." Sero defended Todoroki before hearing a sigh come out of the prince.

"Yes, I didn't do anything but my father has.." Todoroki hands over the note to the redhead who snatched it out of his hand. After reading the letter, Kirishima grumbled before grumbling it up into a ball then he set it on fire.

"Your father keeps making things difficult." Kirishima sighed out before chasing after Bakugou finally.

"I'm so lost, what was on the Note?" Kaminari asked.

"My sorry excuse of a father has kidnapped one of Bakugo's friends and is holding them Prisoner at the castle, apparently this friend of his has green hair?" Todoroki filled the others in before hearing a gasp.

"They got Deku!" Uraraka points out before frowning at Mei.

"We have to help get him out of there." Mei declared while Uraraka nodded in agreement.

End Of Chapter:

Word Count: 1189

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