The Lonely Dragon

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//I felt like putting this song on here, it's from one of my childhood movies and thought I should share it with everyone.

Kirishima's Pov:

It's been almost two days and I still haven't found Bakugou...No way in hell was I ever gonna give up! I know he ain't dead! Bakugou is out here somewhere and I will find him!
I've been searching night and day, taking no breaks, and looking everywhere I thought Bakugou would hide. Even though I was having no luck, I still tried really hard to find him.

When I finally took a break it was by a nice creek that way I could get a drink and some fish to eat so that my strength will come back. Personally I didn't want to take a break but I didn't want Bakugou to yell at me for not eating and stuff.

After catching some fish to eat I started a fire. It wasn't a big fire since I was just cooking fish. After making the fire I gutted the fish of things that weren't healthy before putting it on a stick. Once done with getting the fish on a stick I held it over the fire as if it was a marshmallow till it was cooked and not raw and slimey. The thought of eating raw fish hurts my stomach. I will never, never ever try eating fish raw again.

After I made sure the fish was fully cooked I took it off the fire and began eating. It was good, not as good as Bakugou's cooking...when we were little he'd take care of making our meals since I was the one that went out and got the food. Mina always asks me about my "treasure" cause apparently dragons are only known for guarding their treasure...I guess you can say Bakugou is my life, I would do anything for him.

While eating my cooked fish I started hearing something. I instantly stand up and start looking around frantically to see if someone was around but then he noticed the sound was familiar.

I quickly turned into my full dragon form and started following the sound till I reached a little forest with a suspicious clearing. I didn't hesitate, I headed for the forest.
Once above the clearing I spotted Bakugou using the whistle I gave him. A smile grew on my face as I started diving. Before I hit the ground I got out of my dragon form and latched onto Bakugou, sending us both to the ground.

"I found you! I found you!" I cheered while nuzzling into Bakugou.

End Of Chapter

Word Count: 428

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