No Time To Waste

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Third Person Pov:

Bakugou, Kirishima, and Jirou snuck through the castle. All The guards were out fighting his people so they didn't have to hide much. Bakugou wanted to find Enji and strike him when he least expected since they are coming from the inside. Bakugou really wanted to but he knew he had to find Deku and his mom before anything bad happens to them.

"Where do you think he is being held?" Kirishima asked.

"Probably in the cellar where the dungeon is..." Bakugou replied.
They were still on the 2nd floor and the cellar was the basement so they had 2 floors left to travel through.

Bakugou heard the sound of someone talking and walking around but knew it wasn't the other two. He pulled both of them down so they were crouched and peering down through the gaps of the railing.

Bakugou hushed his friends and made it clear to not make a sound as he watched a few soldiers and a greenette maid walk down the stairs below them.

Kirishima tried his best to be silent but one of his strands of hair had fallen off and brushed up against his nose for a second. It was enough to cause the redhead to sneeze, alerting the guards.

"Who goes there!" One shouts as they turned around and headed back up the stairs.
Bakugou wanted to scold the red head but knew they had to take care of the guards if they wanted to progress.

Bakugou draws his sword, Jirou takes off her cloak and tossed it aside as the marks on her cheeks began to glow. Kirishima pulls out a dagger and got right into a sturdy fighting stance.

The men in suited armor had made it to the intruders and began to charge and swing their swords at the three.

"Ice spear." Jirou conjured a strong spear out of ice before throwing it past Kirishima and Bakugou's. Bakugou was surprised when it impaled one of the soldiers in the stomach before sending him back down the stairs.

The soldiers watched in horror as their comrade rolled past them but knew Enji would have their heads if they ran so instead of running, they fought.

Both Bakugou and Kirishima dodged blows from two knights as the last two focused on Jirou. Both Kirishima and Bakugou were stuck dodging cause their enemies kept swinging their blades non-stop. Kirishima and Bakugou shared a glance before bolting past the soldier they were fighting, startling both of the guards.

Both of the guards get stabbed in the side when they spun around to try and stop their target. Bakugou and Kirishima had shared the same idea and took advantage of their enemies confusion had striked them both.

Jirou let's out a yawn as she herself dodged the swords that tried to stab her. She was just taunting them before pointing to the floor.

"Quicksand." She commanded and the floor beneath the guard's feet turned to slush and started pulling them down. "Sorry boys, you are in the way." She said before walking past the sinking soldiers.

"We must hurry before someone like that maid reports the incident!" Bakugou ordered before mantling over the railing before dropping down to the first floor.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima shouted when he saw his best friend basically jump down a flight of stairs.

"Don't be so surprised he jumped, we do indeed have to hurry." Jirou pointed out before jumping down herself and following the blond down a dark hallway.


Sero and Momo watched as Iida's grip on his sword tightened before he charged at Momo. Momo was quick and dodged the blow as Sero tried to strike from behind. Iida kicks Sero's arm after he missed to land the blow, causing Sero to fumble a bit. Iida grabbed Sero by the arm and basically tossed him at Momo so they both were on the ground.

Momo grumbled a bit as she sat back up while Sero glared at the soldier. Iida takes his swords and goes in to slash the two but Sero blocked it after grabbing a shield from one of the fallen men. After being shielded from the attack, Momo grabbed some dirt and tossed it at Iida's face, distracting him enough for Sero to stab him right in the side.
Momo huffed a bit to try and catch her breath before kicking Iida to ground.

"This fight is over, just lay down your sword." Momo ordered.

"NEVER!" Iida growled out before grabbing a shield off the ground before charging at Momo once again.

Momo praised the man's dedication to fight but was sad that he was on the wrong side. Momo dodged his attack once again but Iida's strikes were fast this time so it was keeping her on the defense. Sero quickly jumps on the soldiers back before trapping Iida in choke hold.

"Just give up!" Sero shouted as he tried to squeeze hard enough for him to get knocked unconscious but Iida thrashed around before slamming Sero against the castle wall. Sero was startled by the attack but kept a tight hold on Iida. Momo charges at Iida and didn't hold out this time, she stabs him right in the chest.

"Just die already!" She yelled out before pushing her sword in farther before finally pulling it out.

Iida's eyes were wide as he felt the life draining from his finger tips. Iida drops to ground and Sero finally got off.

"We did it! Good job Momo." Sero praised. Momo smiled at her friend while holding her hand up for a high five. Sero happily goes for the High five but missed and fell against Momo.

"Sero? Are you alright?" She asked but got no response. Momo tries to help him stand but she felt something wet on the back of her friend's head. When she lifted her hand she saw blood on her hand. "No! Don't you dare die on me!" Momo cried out before laying her friend down on the ground as she ripped a cloth from her shirt, long enough so she could tie it around his head. After tying it around his head she adjusted him so he was on her back as she tried to carry him back to safety.
When she got close to the archers she noticed their formation had fallen and they were distracted by something. When she got a glimpse of what happened she was shocked. Todoroki's black ice had impaled 7 people after the demon inside him awoken.

"What is he even human anymore...?" Momo mumbled as she got Sero onto a horse.

"I don't know what happened, he just snapped." Denki said after limping his way over to them.

"Are you alright? You are limping." She questioned.

"I'm alright, he just attacked me like the others, but for some reason he held back on me and only hurt my leg...I think he is being controlled..." Denki said his thoughts out loud.

"Get on the horse and take Sero Back home for treatment, I'll take care of Todoroki.

"Are you sure? Will you be okay?" Denki asked nervously.

"I'll be fine, I am the better fighter out of everyone here." Momo boasted before helping her friend onto the horse and sending him off.
She let's out as sigh before pulling her sword out. She frimly grasps her sword before charging towards Todoroki.

End Of Chapter
Word Count: 1242

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