My oath

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Bakugou's Pov:

I woke up from another nightmare but this time...
It was different..

I was sitting in a crib all alone. I looked around a bit till I spotted a little girl with black hair that was pulled back into pigtails, but as soon as we locked eyes she disappeared and I could hear screaming as I now sat in a hall in front of a door that was cracked open. I decided to open it more and all I saw was my mom and dad smiling at me.

"Hi Katsuki dear" My mom says
"I miss you." My father said right after. "You made some really great friends without us." He adds.
"M-Mama, Papa?" I was still in shock from seeing them but then my vision started glitching and my parents covered in blood.
"It's sad you abandoned us like that." My mom says with a creepy smile.
"You were to weak to protect your family." My father says while  blood dripped from his head.
"Your too weak to even protect your friends." They both say which hurt a lot.

"I-I won't! I'd never let that happen!" I yell at them but they just looked disappointed. Did I really fail them? I promise I will avenge you. "Your too weak to do anything. You won't be able to avenge us." And with that I was awake.

I was such a mess, I was sobbing so hard to the point where I was having trouble catching my breath. All I ever wanted to do was make my parents proud but I can't seem to do anything right.

You failed your mom
I know.
Your dad
You failed as a leader.
That was obvious.

I continue to doubt myself till I was pulled into a warm hug.
"You haven't failed, your doing really good, You didn't fail anyone, I promise you're doing fine." Kirishima pulls away to look at my face he uses his thumb to wipe my tears before smiling and showing off his sharp teeth.

"Don't think like that. we need our strong leader, okay?" He says while nuzzling my forehead but I pushed him away soon after while griping on to his shoulders
"I'm not strong at all, I couldn't protect my family." He shakes his head while sighing.
"It's not your fault, your were five years old."
"I still left them to die."
"But your still going back to settle the score." He says while hugging me again. "You're strong Bakugou, don't let anyone or anything tell you otherwise. I stare him right in the eye. I bet you they'll wet their pants." I couldn't help but laugh at that and I hear him chuckle before he started tickling me.

"Ah! No! Kiri!" I lay back down in hopes to escape but he tickles me harder which made me cry from laughter. But then I felt more hands on me so I quickly look up to see Momo tickling me.
"I still remember your weak spots!" she says with a lot of confidence.

After 10 mins I begged them to stop and they finally did. We all sat there laughing while dying to catch our breath. I smile at them both and their smiles grew big.
"Thanks." I tell them while standing up. "I think it's time we get ready. I wanna dethrone Enji Todoroki before fall." I say while clenching my fist.
"I'm with you." Kiri says while standing up.
"So am I!" Momo chimed in.

I grab my cape and wrap it around my shoulders, right after I put my sharp earrings in, right after I started walking through the halls to the cave and all the way to the open space where my people were, most of them were talking to some friends that they made, others were preparing super, a few were still training, and the rest were doing some of their daily chores.

"Hey Bakugou!" I look over to my yellow headed friend who ran over to me. I nod at him and he holds out his hand and I take it
"Gather everyone around. I have something to say." He nods while looking intrigued.

After a few minutes everyone was quiet while standing below me and I took a deep breath before I spoke. "It's time for me to tell you why I made this place." I say while gripping onto the railing in front of me.

"I made this place for those who felt the wrath of a certain king named Enji Todoroki. He is an excuse of a king! It's time we remove him from the throne! I say down with Enji Todoroki!" I watch as people nod in agreement as others chimed in.

"In a week we take back Cross!" I heard a lot of cheers as I continued. "With everyone by my side I know we can do it!" I stop for a second before continuing on some more "I won't force anyone to fight, this is my battle and I am prepared to fight with or without anyone!" I say as my smile grew bigger "I am a Leader who would fight for his people!!" I say and more cheers erupted.

I turn my head to see the Todoroki son as he gets closer to me. "And I'll be ready to help." He says and I was shocked as He looked at my people. "Who is he?" "Is he knew?" "I think I know him." I hear some murmurs but then they were silenced by the Todoroki.

"I am Shoto Todoroki! Yes My father is Enji Todoroki and I want nothing but to see him suffer!" He says while clenching his fist. "I will stand by Bakugou!" He says while facing me again. "I will follow the true king." He says softly while putting a hand on my shoulder.

End Of Chapter

Word Count: 967

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