Into Town We Go!

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Third Person's Pov:

The ride into town wasn't bad at all. Bakugou stayed silent the whole time, he was busy staring up at the sky. Bakugou was always fond of the way clouds could make shapes like bunnies, people, and other wonderful things.

Sero and Todoroki spent the whole time talking about random things. Like Sero asked how it felt to be royalty and if Todoroki had any hot "Ladies" waiting for him back in the palace but the prince just said he wasn't interested in anyone that was inside the castle walls which surprised the ravenetter.

"You're joking, you really aren't interested in anyone?" Sero commented.

"No, that's not what I said. I said I wasn't interested in anyone inside the castle wall, beyond the castle wall is another story." Todoroki clarified before glancing back at Bakugou. Todoroki has been around the blond multiple times now and he still likes to admire the shorter male. When Todoroki spoke to Bakugou that morning in the kitchen he noticed the faded marks around his neck. Todoroki didn't know why but he became aggravated when he saw them. He wanted to know who or what hurt his friend.

Sero accidentally hits a small boulder because he wasn't paying attention. The boulder was bigger than he anticipated because it was big enough to cause the whole waggon to tip over before spilling the three teens out. Bakugou groaned in pain before tilting his head back to glare at the ravenette.

Todoroki had already sat up and was checking on Bakugou. He was about to warn Bakugou but he was too late. After tumbling Bakugou's ankle had got caught in the reins attached to the horse who had just got back up and was now running away while dragging Bakugou as he used his arms to shield his head to prevent any injuries.

"Bakugou! Hold on!" Sero shouted while running after them.

Todoroki grabbed a dagger that got knocked out of the waggon before running after his friends.

The horse continues running and dragging Bakugou along. He thought the horse was gonna drag him across the whole planet before someone stopped it.

The horse manages to drag Bakugou into a town. All the villagers stood there watching as a horse ran by with a yelling blond attached as two more teens continued to run after the stead until it finally stopped.

Bakugou just laid there flat on the ground catching his breath. Todoroki helped free Bakugou from the reins as the ravenette slumped over besides them.

"Oh my God. That-...That horse is fast!" Sero complained before pulling out a canteen of water.

"Are you hurt Bakugou?" The prince asked but was given no reply so Todoroki examined the blond with his eyes before waving his hand in front of Bakugou's beautiful ruby eyes. "Bakugou?"

Bakugou snaps out of his dazed state. "Huh? What happened?" Bakugou asked as he sat up.

Before Todoroki could answer a man with long black hair walked over to the three teens.

"Excuse me, is your friend alright?"  The stranger asked. Bakugou looked up at the man, he noticed the man looked rather tired, exhausted to be exact.

"Don't worry, that did nothing to me." Bakugou claimed as he finally stood up. Since Bakugou shielded his head the only injuries found on the blond were mere scrapes and a few cuts from getting hit by flying rocks that came off the horse's feet and the ground.

"Here, follow me and I shall at least help clean your wounds." The kind man said as he lead the three to what seemed to be a tavern.

After entering the tavern they were told to have a seat at an empty table so they obeyed. Bakugou was keeping an eye on the ravenette adult. Yes he offered to clean his wounds but that didn't mean he had Bakugou's trust. If anything, Bakugou found it quite suspicious.

As they waited for the man to return they were approached by a blond man with long hair and a small mustache.

"Oi, what are kids like you doing here." The man asked while placing his hands on his hips.

"Please forgive our intrusion, we were guided by the man in black over there." Todoroki explained before Bakugou could give the man sass.

"Shota? You brought these kids in?" The blond asked as the other male returned.

"Yes I did. I was quite worried when this one was being dragged into town by a horse." The man explained and he couldn't help but chuckle a little. "No one else in town was offering them a hand so I did." He explained some more before sitting down in a chair in front of Bakugou.

Bakugou glanced over at Todoroki and Sero before back at the older male. After Bakugou's gaze returned to the man he scooted his chair back a little.

"I'm gonna refuse your treatment." Bakugou decided while crossing his arms.

"Why is that? They seem so nice!" Sero commented.

"Sero, I'm not gonna trust my well being in the hands of a stranger if they can't even introduce themselves." Bakugou turned his head towards Sero. "You aren't thinking again. They could easily act nice then slit your throat. You are too trusting." Bakugou points out before being interrupted by laughter?

"What's so funny?!" Bakugou snapped while facing the adults once again.

"The fact that you think mere commoners like us could do something so horrid." The blond answered.

"Yes, it's quite hilarious." Bakugou mocked. 

"Well, to trust us is your decision but let's start with introductions. My name is Shota Aizawa."  The Ravenette informs.

"And my name is Hizashi Yamada, it's a pleasure to meet you." The blond said right after.

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you as well, my name is Shoto Todoroki." The Prince introduced himself before watching the older men share glances.

"My name is Hanta Sero and this is Katsuki Bakugou!" Sero introduced himself and the angry blond.

"Well, now that we have been introduced would you like me to treat your wounds or would you rather have one of your friends do it?" Mr. Aizawa asked as Hizashi walked away to greet some guest that entered the tavern.

"I don't really need treatment, but fine." Bakugou mumbled. After receiving the okay Mr. Aizawa opened up a case  he had grabbed from behind the counter. Inside were a few cotton balls, a glass bottle with a clear liquid, and a few other things Bakugou has seen once or twice from Mina.

End Of Chapter:
Word Count: 1061

Revenge TodoBakuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora