Our new home!

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Bakugou's Pov:

After we met our new friend Mina she introduced us to her buddies that she somehow got separated from.
"The dumb one Is Denki Kaminari." He had blonde hair and a black highlight that she said he got from getting struck by lighting.
"The other one is Hanta Sero." He was with Denki when he was struck by lighting.

We all decided to travel and see the world, that was until one of the knights' from Cross caught me. I was hunting while the other guys were setting up camp.

The knight was trying to take me back to Cross but I was struggling too much.
 I managed to get away when I broke his glasses, after that I ran to keep my distance from him but then I ran into some boy that was picking an apple from one of the trees. After I ran into him he was knocked over and I landed on top of him with a thud.

I couldn't help but stare down at him, his eyes were staring back up at me, he had two different colored eyes, he even had a scar on his face. Not to mention he had red and white hair neatly parted so they didn't mix.
I put my hand on his cheek by his scar and I used my thumb to feel his scar before I heard the same knight yell for me. As soon as I heard the knight I bolted into the woods back to Kiri and the others who had just finished setting up camp.

As soon as I saw Kiri I grabbed on to his arm and had a frightened look which made him worry.
"Bakugou? Are you alright?"

The others stopped what they were doing and looked at us as I just whispered into Kiri's ear.
"I Saw them" he tilts his head.
"Who?"  bit down on my bottom lip and told him a knight from Cross tried to grab me.
He started to steam a bit and he looked real mad. We haven't told the others he was a dragon so they were frightened when he turned.

"EEK!" Kaminari shrieked as Sero pulled out a long wooden spoon while Mina pulled out a dagger but I acted fast and stood in front of Kirishima.
"Don't you dare touch him!" They looked shocked at my outburst cause I'm usually quiet.

"B-Bakugou?! Move away from the Dragon! He just ate Kirishima!" Mina shouts at me as Sero tries to grab my arm but I growl and pull out my sword which made them back up. 

"Calm down! He is no threat!" I use my sword to smack their weapons away then I started to pet Kiri's snout to calm him down. "You can't Kill Kirishima." They looked at me with confused looks but I ignored them for now and continued to caress Kiri softly.

"Calm down Kiri, I promise I'm fine, I made sure he didn't touch me roughly." As I tell him that he lays down on the grass causing me to smile.
"H-how is that Kirishima?" Mina asked as she stared at Bakugou and the now tamed dragon. I took a second and thought about telling them Kiri's story and I thought it was okay so I told them his but I didn't tell them mine, I didn't trust them that much.

In the middle of the night I woke up due to a nightmare again and I didn't want to wake any of the others so I quietly made my way into the woods and walked around to clear my head.

I end up finding a lake with a waterfall on one end, It was really pretty, the lake was so clear that it looked just like the night sky. Seeing this made me smile. I pulled my cape off and placed it on a nearby bolder before I stepped into the water. I slowly made my way to the middle of the lake before looking up at the clouds immediately disappearing revealing the bright moon and beautiful stars. I smile and stare at the sky for awhile, probably around 30 mins before heading to the waterfall.

 Once there I ended up stepping on a rock that was actually a button which revealed a hidden cave right behind the water. I stared amazed because the doors matched the rock wall and was blended together nicely.

This was a perfect place! This... This will be our new home!!!

End Of Chapter

Word count: 748

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