My Whistle

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Bakugou's Pov:

I was walking with Todoroki through a little forest, I was looking for a good secluded area so I could call Kirishima while being hidden and not taken away by any royal guards who might be looking for us already.

I ended up finding a little clearing in the forest, it was a weird spot in my eyes, I was hesitant since trees didn't usually grow in a circle stop growing in the center of a forest. Even though it was a suspicious spot I thought it was a good spot to call Kirishima.

"Alright, we are waiting here." I told Todoroki before walking into the nice clearing. 

"How are you gonna call Kirishima exactly?" Todoroki asked me and I smirked. I dug into my pockets and pulled out a whistle. Todoroki quirked a brow, obviously not getting how I was going to call him. I shake my head, disappointed.

"This is a whistle, but, not your daily toy whistle." I explained to Todoroki who was slowly understanding.

"Alright? I still don't get it exactly." Todoroki said while taking a seat on a bolder.

"Basically this whistle was given to me by Kirishima, at first I didn't get it as well. This whistle can only be heard by the person you are looking for or thinking about. It's really neat. I had to use this when I was 13 because I got separated from Kirishima and the other three. I was so scared back then, I was afraid I had been abandoned and ditched by Kirishima at first but then I remembered about the whistle he gave me and that was the first time I used it. After using it, Kirishima managed to find me and was apparently looking all over for me." I told Todoroki while reminiscing about my past a bit with a soft smile growing on my face. After telling Todoroki about the whistle I noticed I was rambling a bit. 
"Sorry, I was reminiscing a bit."

"No no, it's fine, I liked listening to you reminisce." Todoroki replied. "Do you think Kirishima will hear the whistle from all the way over here?"

"Yes, I believe he will hear it perfectly." I answered while looking down at the whistle in my hand. I looked over the whistle and began to admire all the features the whistle had. It was a really cool whistle, it was shaped like an empty rifle bullet canister that morphs into a dragon head, the whistle was made out of amber or bronze, I don't know what it's exactly made of because Kirishima gave it to me. Kirishima said this whistle was the last thing he got from his parents before being sent into hiding. I make sure the whistle is always on me, I promised him that I would Never let anything happen to it.
After a few silent minutes of me staring at the whistle I decided to finally use it, hoping Kirishima would hear it.

End Of Chapter:

Word Count: 492

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