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Bakugou's Pov:

I started rummaging through the room and I some how remembered there being a trap door in this room

When I sleep I usually dream about my parents but a few days ago I had dreamt about me running around the castle into every room.

I don't know why but maybe it was a sign.

I start messing with the wall till I heard a hallow part.

"Here..." I mumble under my breath as I pry it open and the hole was a lot smaller than I thought so I had to crawl through.

"Hey, wait, it could be dangerous." I hear the Prince say but I ignored him.

When the hole came to an end I was in a room full of books, armour, enchanted objectsi, and my moms old water fountain.


"Mama? What's this pretty fountain for?" I asked.

"Come here, I'll tell you a story."

I giggle while crawling onto my moms lap.

"Long time ago there was a little girl a little older than you and her name was Mimiko-"

"GRANDMA!" I cut her off.

"Yea that's right, that's little grandma. When grandma was little she found herself wandering the land with her mother to find a good place to live. When they found Crow there was only this fountain. Your grandma always talked about how she used the water inside the fountain and it healed every cut and scratch she had. That's why she kept, I've kept it."

End of Flash Back

I smile as I look at the fountain that was still full.

"Now where's that bottle..." I mumble as I look through my pockets till I found the bottle that I had Midoriya steal.

I gently place it into the fountain till it was full before going back to the prince.

"What took you so long?! I was starting to worry!"

End Of Chapter:

Word Count: 318

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