Time To Leave

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Todoroki's Pov:

I yawn quietly as I begin waking up. When my eyes fluttered open it took me a few seconds before I noticed Bakugou was all curled up against me. He was still sound asleep, I couldn't help but admire how soft and peaceful he looked. Bakugou is one of the few people I actually can't help but admire. Ever since the first time our eyes met I knew I wanted to get close to him and be one of the people he can trust and count on.

I examine the blond as he rests, he looks really good for someone whose  been living out in the wild for so long. I like the red cape he wears, it's always been on him, I wonder if it's something important to him.

I move my hand up and started caressing the blonds cheek with my thumb. His spikey hair is really wonderful, the color suits him prefectly. Not only does his hair look perfect on him, his ruby red eyes is just as stunning, I'd hate it if Bakugou lost the beautiful shine in his eyes. I start to smile a bit as I moved my hand away from the blond's face. Bakugou is just so perfect in my eyes...

I look over the blond's face and found myslef staring at the blond's lips. I wonder if he's ever been kissed...I think about moving closer but I force myself not to. I don't want him to wake up and get mad if our lips connected. For now I will just admire him some more...not weird at all, I just think he is a wonderful being that I kinda want to keep as mine...?

I start to feel the blond stirr a bit so I decided to close my eyes and to see what Bakugou would do when he sees how close we were. I stayed silent but I could feel Bakugou lift his head up before and just lay there quietly. What's he doing? I asked myself before feeling a finger start poking my cheek? Is he trying to see if I'm faking?

After a few seconds he stopped poking my cheek but then he started to touch my scar. Does he like it? This isn't the first time he touched my scar. 

I open my eyes to see Bakugou sitting up a bit. His hand was still by my scar, his face was really close to mine, and his beautiful ruby eyes were staring down back at me as I started into them. We stare at eachother silently for almost a minute before Bakugou backed away and looked away. From where I was laying, I could see a light blush coating the blond's cheeks. It seems Bakugou is embarrased that I caught him.

Bakugou's Pov:

When I woke up this morningI noticed the half and half bastard was really close to me. Seeing how close I was to him made me blush, just a little! Only since I've never curled up with someone except Kirishima.

I look up at him and decided to try waking him up since I wanted to get back to Kirishima and the others but he wasn't waking up! Stupid dead prince! I wanna leave this witch hut before the stupid whores wake up!

I begin to sit up a bit to see Todoroki better and I just caught myself staring at his scar a bit. I don't know why, seeing such a big scar plastered on the prince's face was kinda cool? I just like it, it makes him look tough. Too bad he just looks tough, he literally died after getting a rock thrown at him. I roll my eyes after recalling the memory. I stare at his scar a little more before tracing Todoroki's scar with my finger. I was amused and admiring the prince quietly but then his eyes opened. I didn't know what to do so I just stared down at him. After our little staring contest I quickly scooted away as my cheeks heated up. 

Fuck, I was caught touching his scar. Is he mad at me for touching it? 

"Good Morning Bakugou." Is the first thing he says to me.

"Y-yeah, good morning or whatever." I mumbled before peaking over at him. He was now sitting up and I noticed his perfectly split hair was all mixed up instead of all the red being on one side and the white on the other. I couldn't help but laugh at his hair.

"Hmm? You are laughing? What's so funny?" Todoroki asked but I just started snickering.

"Oh~, Nothing~" I teased while standing up.

"People don't laugh at nothing. Why are you laughing?" He asked again.

"I'm laughing at your hair haha, I'm so used to seeing it so neat and organized, now it's all mixed aroung haha!" I finally told him. I watch as he got up and moved over to a mirror. 

"You are right, my hair does look funny like this." He chuckled out.

I just nodded along before cleaning up the mess of a bed they slept on last night. He made sure everything was nice and organized so that the girls could put the stuff away without worrying about picking up after them. I hate when people are slobs and when people accuse me of being a slob as well.

"Alright. Time to leave." I said before heading towards the door.

"We're leaving? Without saying goodbye?"

"That's right so move your ass." I ordered before exiting the hut. I hear Todoroki following me out the door. Once out we looked for Todoroki's horse and noticed it was gone. 

"That's weird, where did my horse go?" Todoroki asked while looking around. 

I was now agravted and rubbing my temple. I just woke up and I'm already getting mad.
"Isn't it obvious where your horse went? It left because we never got to attach her to anything because we were too busy being tied to a fucking chair!" I snapped before kicking a small rock. I make a small 'tch' sound as I start walking away from the hut.

"Wait up Bakugou! Where are you going?!" Todoroki asked while catching up to me.

"It's called I'm walking back home! I ain't staying at this hut anymore." I grumbled out while adjusting my cape and made sure it wasn't loose.

"Why not? We can ask the nice ladies for guidance." Todoroki tries to get me to turn back.

"No thanks, I'm gonna find a way to call Kiri."

End Of Chapter: 

Word Count: 1071

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