Chapter 32 ~ Shocked & surprised

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Alessandra's pov 

I wake up in my room in the Gonzales's house, but I just don't fell right something is different about me and I just cant put my finger on what it it, so I ignore that and make my way to the bathroom .

I pull my white silk pj bottoms down along with my white thing and what I see right now was something I have not seen since I was 13 years old 


A week before my 12th birthday 7 days to be exact, my birthday is on the 10 of August making it the 3rd of August today and you wanna know what I got as an early birthday present yesterday? My period so I went to the store and bought pads, what a fucking weird name but I bought them with the money I make and take from Even when he is to drunk or high to know how much he got .

I have big dreams to get out of here one dat is one day .

**flashback over** 

I start to cry a little every since that day I came home from school late and he found out I had just gotten my period and I was with a boy he stabbed me right where my uterus was , later that day when he went out I went to the only doctor I trusted and she told me that with the about of damage there will be scare tissues and there is only a 49.72% chance that my period will continue which means that I would not be able to have children but I am second guessing since I started my period and the proof is all over my pj's and the pants .

I get my phone and call Sasha and Aurora telling them to come quickly to my room and while I wait for them I quickly shower and wrap a towel around me and go the the closet to see what I can wear.

" we here where are you?!" both Sasha and Aurora shot at the same time 

" in the closet ." I shout back the both come rushing in leaving my bedroom door and closet door wide open 

So i go to my bedroom door and close it and lock it then back to my closet closing the doors behind me 

" we have a problem ." I tell them 

" what's wrong ? ohh did u finally realize that you love Nickolas back?" Aurora asks 

" wait I am missing something who is Nickolas and do u love him ?" 

" what no , he is just a business partner and he has a thing for me that's it ." 

" ok whatever you say , so what's the problem?" Sasha asks 

" my period started ." I say 

" wait rlly but I thought the doctor said that you only have a 49. something percentage of it ever coming back ." Aurora says 

" yea well that other 51.38% change of it happening again just proved its self that she is a strong woman ." Sasha says 

" well I don't have anything here that I need for this situation so I was hoping u guys could help out ." I tell them 

" ok just wait here don't go anywhere we will be back ." Aurora says 

" rlly its not like she can go anywhere with blood rushing out of her ." Sasha says stating the obvious before they both make their way out of my room and running to their rooms getting the stuff I need.

5 minutes go by before they both come rushing in actually closing the door behind them this time . They both have plastic bags in their hands with a bunch of shit like pads all different types , tampons, liners , menstruation cups and a whole bunch of other stuff 

" ok so you do know how to use all of this this stuff right?" Aurora asks 

" yes I do but I only need the pads and tampons you guys can take all this other stuff cause I wont need it and thank you ." I tell them , they nod their heads and take the stuff I wont be using back to their rooms , I take the boxes of pads and tampons and take a box out and keep it on the marble counter where the sink is that's right nest to the toilet , I pack the other stuff under the sink since their is a cupboard there. 

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