Chapter 20~ a calm down session

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Its 4 in the morning and I cant sleep I came back to my room at 7 but I never fell asleep and I don't have anything to do not even work or mafia shit that I can get done and I really don't want to carry on staring at the ceiling.

I sit up with a idea that just popped into my head I go and look for my stash that I heed away bc I know that if Aurora or Apollo find it they are gonna smoke it till there wont be anything left of it , once I get it from where it was behind the shower head in the bathroom and make my way outside on the balcony and I got to say whoever picked out the area for this mansion to be built rlly did think and they did put it in a good place . oh wait that was me.

I sit on the chairs on the balcony and start rolling a J for myself , when I am done I asses the building to see how I can make it to the roof top, I see some outstanding bricks and I use that to make my way up to the roof

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I sit on the chairs on the balcony and start rolling a J for myself , when I am done I asses the building to see how I can make it to the roof top, I see some outstanding bricks and I use that to make my way up to the roof .

As soon as I get on the roof I  sit in a spot that I know i wont fall off of . I take my lighter out and light my joint before I take a drag   . I rlly needed this with all the shit that happened these past few days has rlly taken a toll on me like finding out I actually have a frailly out there and a shit load of ppl at that too like rlly .

I stay up on the roof until the sun start to rise then I get down and make my way to my bathroom and get ready for the day I get dressed in this  ( she does not have the hat)

I stay up on the roof until the sun start to rise then I get down and make my way to my bathroom and get ready for the day I get dressed in this  ( she does not have the hat)

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I was in a bad mood and so I get dressed in black let the bitch out if yk then yk 

I make my way down the stairs of my safe house and go into the kitchen that is dark not white since white kitchens are over-rated   

I make my way down the stairs of my safe house and go into the kitchen that is dark not white since white kitchens are over-rated   

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My new familyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt