Chapter 7 ⁓ do it and I will make u regret it

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Alessandra's pov 

And u see this is why I only let certain ppl come into my house. Lorenzo and Alexander are both running to the front door to get out of the place but once Alexander has his hand on the door handle Duke is in front of him growling and Ash behind Lorenzo doing the same thing once the 2 men realize the position they are in they whip their guns out aiming to kill at both of my wolf's this is where I step in

"Do it and I will make u regret it ." I say to them in the voice I use when talking to my enemies both of their heads turn to me so fast I think they might have broken their necks 

"Where have u been do u know how long we have been calling ur name ?!" Lorenzo shouts at me and the tone he used I don't like and by the looks of it neither did my wolf nor friend like it too because both of my friends step inline with me getting ready to fight and both my wolf in attack mode.

"Who do u  think u are talking to me like that in my house and threatening my animals with guns to their faces put those guns down before I use those on u ." Alexander listens to me showing who is smarter here right now but with Lorenzo being a ex don his dominance and ego that is bigger than the room  we are in right now he refuses to put it down and still talks to me like shit .

"I am ur father u do not talk to me like that did ur foster parents raise u like that  !!?" Shouts Lorenzo the nerve this guy has right now before he can continue I throw one of my throwing knives at him

"Keep talking and I promise u that I will cut ur vocal cords out and feed it to my wolfs that u just threatened,  and what foster parents they were never in the picture all this money is mine that I made for myself without your help so if u carry ...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Keep talking and I promise u that I will cut ur vocal cords out and feed it to my wolfs that u just threatened,  and what foster parents they were never in the picture all this money is mine that I made for myself without your help so if u carry on talking to me like that in my house in front of my friends get out of my face before I make it unrecognizable and I won't go anywhere with u do u understand me?!!" I shout at this sperm donor of mine with a voice that I don't even think is mine I lost all of my respect for this man once he said those words .

"And that word 'father 'means nothing to me u can leave Lorenzo I will see when I want to go to New York u dont get to come here and start demanding things whether ur the ex don of the Italian mafia or not . " Those were my final words I said before I walked out of that room .

I don't care what that sperm donor does but Alexander can stay if he wants . I go to my room with my friends behind me , once I am in my room I go straight to my closet and get changed into gym clothes I have to blow the steam off some way and as far as I know this is the best option for me right now bc if I smoke and get high I might do something fucked up and that's the same with drinking .

"Hey I am gonna go to the gym for a bit , yous do know where everything is ...oh and if Alexander needs anything help him . " I tell them before I walk out of my room and towards the stairs to go to the gym .

Once I am in the gym I start on the treadmill before I go to the punching bags and start punching as hard as I can  

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Once I am in the gym I start on the treadmill before I go to the punching bags and start punching as hard as I can  

If I was not trained to sense someone's presences I would not have knows that Alexander is standing by the doors with the music blasting in my ears from my headphones . I ask Alexander "What is it ?" before I even turn around.

"What .. how did u know I was here ?" He asks confused and shocked . "Doesn't matter is there something u need ?" I ask now facing him

"Umm yea actually I just wanted to say sorry because of our dads behavior early and I just wanted to know if I am still welcome here or not ...oh and how do u know about the mafia ?" Alexander asks me .

" 1, that's not ur problem to apologize for . 2, you did nothing wrong so u are fine staying here for the night and 3 , I could tell by the way u guy's carry yourselves and the guns on your waists with all of these trained guards ." I tell him with a bored face on wanting to get back to beating the punching bag .

"Ok I take it your way to smart for your age ." Alexander says with a laugh at the end . " Well then ur right ." I tell him before I turn back to the punching bag and start punching it with my all  the next thing that happens is the bag falls from where it was hang and sand is pouring out of the gash that I made in the bag I can also see my blood on the bag from my bloody knuckle's .

 I just look at the bag on the floor with the sand coming out of it  , it reminds me when I was like that just lying on the floor with... I shake my head before anymore dark thoughts start replaying in my head .

"Vse koncheno, eto v proshlom ." I whisper to myself.

(its over, its in the past.-Russian)

I walk past the bag that's on the floor and go to the one next to it and start doing the same thing to this one until it broke I take my headphones off and look at the time an see that its around 3:45 am right now , once I see how early it is in the morning I go and make my way to my room.

In my room I see my 2 wolfs lying on my bed and a note on the bedside table saying that my friends toke some work and went to their own rooms that they have here , I put the note down and hop in the shower . 

I climb out of the shower brush my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun before I go and get dressed in pj's.

As tomorrow is Halloween and there is a party I might just go as ghost face since me and him have a few of things in common 1 is that we both kill ppl and 2 is that we are both crazy with that in mind I drift of to sleep.


plz like and vote on what u think and again i am fully English so i use google translate for all the languages that i use in the book also pls let me know if i messed anything up or the spelling is wrong if so let me know where i messed up and i will try to fix it 


1268 words

My new familyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang