Chapter 31~ getting comfortable

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Alessandra's pov 

we get inside the house and u can hear voices coming from all over the place Hugo and Camilia lead us to the living room but we all suddenly stop when there is shouting .

" Santiago I swear to god if u don't give me back my fucking GTA VI Ima rip your fucking head of and feed it Emerald and Scar !" That's  Alexei right there 

" I already told u I don't have your fucking GTA VI the only games I have of yours is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III . OH SHIT!" Santiago fucked up if I were him I would have not said shit

Antonio joins in " WTF u got u do realize that Alexei accused me of taking it so he flooded my room as a sort of revenge while in the meantime u have it ." Antonio shouts at Santiago pulling fists with both of his hands 

" ok wait no that's not what I meant u see it slipped and I was not meant to say that , let me just shut up ." Santiago says trying to save himself 

" watch u fucking back ." Antonio says going upstairs to most likely his room , Alexei is not far behind him also probably on his way to his room 

" well that was a show was it not ?" Hugo says making all of us laugh at that 

We start walking into the living room were Santiago is in , now watching Brooklyn-nine 9, he turns to the sound of footsteps and tops once he see's all of us standing there watching him but he quickly turns his gaze to his mother 

"Hola mama, como esta? Como esta el clima afuera? Dij eron que seria un lindo dia soleado, verdad? he asks mama C trying to change the topic and get mamma C mind off of what just happened (oh hey mama , how are you? how's the weather ? outside they said it would be a nice sunny day were they right?) -Spanish 

"Deja de decir tonterias, estas tomado los juegos de Alexei otra vez? " Mama C asks Santiago (stop talking shit, you taking Alexie's games again|?) - Spanish  

" solo el Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III " he answers truthfully (only the Call of Duty : Modern Warfare III ) -Spanish 

"Lo quiero de vuelta en su habitacion anteeses de medianoche. Donde esta el ontro del que estaba hablando?" Mama C asks him (I want it back in his room before midnight . Where's the other one he was talking about?) -Spanish 

" No tengo idea de donde esta ese, nonca lo tome ." he says while trying to stop himself from making eye contact with me  (I have no idea where that one is , I never took it) -Spanish 

" ok then go greet ur friend and the guests ." that's all mama C has to say before Santiago come running up to me and picking me up in a bone crushing hug.

" my god where the fuck have you been , the last time we saw you was when u had- hacer una mision cuando tenias 14 anos en algun momento de junio Podrias  haber venido a visitarnos o induso llamarnos " he says to me giving me shit like rlly dude u giving the Russian donna shit for not call u .(- to do that mission when u where 14 sometime in June . You could have came to visit us or even call us ) - Spanish 

"Sabes que estuve ocupado con la mafia y otras cosas, pero no estas orgulloso de que la mafia este en primer lugar ?" I tell him ,proud of myself ( You know I was busy with the mafia and other things , but aren't you proud that the mafia is in the first place ?) - Spanish 

" yes I am proud well done estrella " he tells me with a smile on his face he has always called me start and everytime I ask why he says ' its because u shine like a star'  ( star) -Spanish 

" this is Aurora, Apollo , Jacob and Hailey " I tell Santiago he takes a look t Aurora and Apollo before moving his gaze to the kids he stops for a second before he turns to look at his mom and dad then back to the kids 

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