Chapter 25

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A/n : Please guys, do inline comments...💕

"Alessia, look there" Bella points somewhere and Alessia's eyes lit up seeing their destination. They high-fives each other and run there.

"Bella, start finding flag. It should be here-" Alessia stops in mid. Her eyes widen as it stuck on something behind Bella.

Bella follows her gaze and her face lit up.

"ALESSIA, WE FOUND THE FLAG" They happily rush towards the red flag that is stuck in the branch of tree.

"Look Bella, we have our names are written on it" Alessia squeals, hugging Bella in excitement. They share an exhilarating moment, hugging each other in celebration. The treasure, seemingly within their grasp, fills the air with a contagious joy.

Suddenly, something caught Bella's attention. She notices something peculiar. Her gaze lingers on a paper wrapped around the stone where the red flag was stuck. "Alessia, what's this?" Bella asks, her brow furrowing in curiosity.

Alessia, still reveling in their victory, joins Bella in inspecting the crumpled paper. Carefully unwrapping it, they straighten out the wrinkles, revealing a hidden message. Bella reads it aloud,

"I'm a key with no locks, a space with no walls. What am I ?"

Their excitement reignites as they realize the treasure hunt is not over. The forest, it seems, has more secrets to reveal. Alessia grins, "Looks like the adventure continues. What do you think what could be an answer ?"

"I don't know, let's read it properly." Bella says, again going through the riddle properly.

"A space with no locks and walls... umm, yes, pond", Alessia squeals, "Yes Bella, it could be a pond. Because Pond is the only place in the forest where there are not much trees, let's go"

Bella furrows her eyebrows, "No Alessia, I don't think so it's pond"

"What ? Why ?" Alessia frowns.

"If its answer is pond, at least there would be something related to a pond in the riddle. I don't know why but I don't think so it's answer is 'Pond', Alessia." Bella reasons her thoughts.

"Bella, look at the riddle, it clearly states that there are no locks and no walls. Locks means trees and of course there are no walls near the pond, Bella" Alessia argues.

"But what about trees, Alessia ? There are trees around the pond. Say whatever you want, Pond is not an answer. " Bella concludes.

"Then what do you think, it's answer is ?" Alessia groans.

Instead of replying, she again looks at the riddle.

"Read it carefully, Alessia, It says, I am a key with no locks, that means this is a clue which says there are no locks, means no or lesser trees, shrubs, or any sort of plants" Bella frowns her eyebrows in concentration.

"We are in the forest, Bella. Is it even possible ?" Alessia sighs, looking in surrounding.

Ignoring her, Bella keeps reading the riddle, "A space with no walls means a open area within the forest." A crease on her forehead as she keeps repeating the riddle. Her eyes widen when she realize something.

"Clearing. Yes, Alessia, it's clearing." She squeals.

"What ? What does 'Clearing' means ?" Another girl frowns in confusion.

"Clearing is actually a small area in a forest where there are no trees or bushes. It's like an open space." Bella explains.

"How did you know ?" Alessia asks amused.

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