Chapter 18

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"Guys, forgive her. Of course, she is a mannerless, after all, she has no mother who could teach her manners."

Bella's eyes widened.

"Ok, that could explain her this behaviour" Another girl with short hair said and they all laughed at that except the girl with whom she bumped. She is just plainly glaring at Bella.

"Even if she is motherless, do I look like I care ? You bitch, listen to me, I want my money" That girl said taking a step towards Bella.

Before Bella could say anything, first girl butts in, "Oh little girl, you never told us, where are your parents, huh ?"

"Did they leave you or they are just died ?"

Bella's head snapped towards the girl.

Her eyes glistened with tears.

Never in her life she expected she would face this.

"No guys, I think she is illegitimate"

Bella didn't know what that's mean. But judging from their laughing faces, she knew it is a bad word.

"Aww look, she is crying. Little Bella, don't cry, your Mom Dad will scold us", She shuddered fakely, "Oops, you don't have Mom-dad. Sorry"

They laughed at that.

Bella looked down feeling helpless first time in her life.

"See, little girl, our Mom and Dad came to pick us up. Who is coming to pick you up huh ?"

Bella bits her lips, looking down. Her eyes are just glistening more.

She so badly wants to reply them but she don't know what she will gonna reply them.

Their words pierced thorough her pure heart, shattering it into million pieces.

"Leave it guys, I am not in mood. You bitch, you tell me, when are you going to give me Money as you clearly ruined my expensive shoes" That girl gritted her teeth but immediately froze when she heard another voice.

"How much ?" Bella's head snapped towards that direction.

Her eyes sparkled seeing Vincenzo there.

While on another hand, all of them were froze on their places. Their eyes widened like a saucer, and mouth gaped open.

Vincenzo looked at them coldly.

He came towards them and kept his hand on Bella's shoulder, pulling her in his embrace, side-hugging her.

"Are you ok ?" He asked her softly.

She meekly nodded.

"Go sit in the car, I am coming"

He doesn't need to tell her twice. She immediately left from there. He turned towards the girls.

"So, what were you saying ?" Vincenzo asked coldly.

All of them gulped visibly.

"I-I - " She cleared her throat, "She ruined my e-expensive shoes. She need to pay."

That girl said mustering courage.

Vincenzo looked at her shoes and then at her face.

He took out his wallet and immediately gave her the money.

"It is more than your all of your Fathers' salary combined. Take this money, get a spectacles for yourselves. Because I don't think so there is a dirt anywhere."

They all looked down, totally embarassed.

"And one more thing, you are kids that's why I am not saying anything. But, if I ever heard any of you saying anything to my Sister, I will personally deal with you all. Don't forget, if I can give you the money more than your Fathers' salary then, I can also snatch your Fathers' jobs and make you homeless."

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