Chapter 9

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"If anyone bothers you then tell us, eat food on time, don't fight with anyone, focus on studies, stay away from boys, they are bad, listen to teachers, and if anyone makes you uncomfortable then go to teachers-"

"Just kick them on their shin, Babygirl"

"Stop it, Ric"

"You stop it, Sally, you are repeating this like 23rd time from morning, now please shut it off. My ears are bleeding hearing this continuously"

"Dramatic ass"

"You are dramatic, not me"

Salvatore rolled his eyes.

Bella, who is listening to them, giggled silently. Seeing them bickering to each other is always amusing to her.

It literally eased her nerves.

Today is her first day of school. She is nervous is just an understatement. She is scared. Nervous. Anxious. Tensed. And God knows what not.

"Bella, come here" She heard a voice.

Leaving her bickering brothers behind, she ran towards Vincenzo.

"Yes Vinny"

"Are you okay ?" He asked her, softly.

She sighed.

"I am okay but I am not. I mean I am healthy. But I am very nervous" She replied honestly.

Vincenzo chuckled and pulled her in his arms.

"You will be okay, my baby" He patted and kissed her head.

She absorbed in his warmth.

"Well, I have something for you" He whispered in her ears.

She frowned and looked up, still being in his arms.

"Wait" He said and extended his hand towards the drawer and pulled it and took out something like a box from the drawer.

"This" She frowned in confusion but her eyes widened instantly seeing what's there in box.

"New Phone ?" She gasped.

Her eyes widened. She was shocked. This is her first phone, of course she will be shocked. She remembers the first time she asked Vincenzo for a phone, and Vincenzo told her that she was too young for a phone. And he'll give her a phone on her 13th birthday. So, now so sudden, why ?

"But Vinny, this new phone ? Why ? I mean of course I am very happy but still ?" She frowned.

"I thought my baby would be happy to see the new phone and hug me with joy, but alas !" He exclaimed sadly. Faked.

Her eyes widened and she immediately clung on him and hugged his neck tightly.

"Sorry Vinny I didn't mean to hurt your heart. I really loved it. Thank you so so so much. I love you so much" She whispered kissing on his cheek again and again. He laughed heartily. 

His Bella is really a Sweetheart.

"Chill Baby, I was just kidding" He chuckled, kissing her head.

"And I bought this phone because I realized that you are not a little girl anymore." 

Bella's eyes twinkled "You mean I am Big girl now ? I am not a baby anymore ?" She exclaimed happily.

Vincenzo looked amused.

"Yes, now you are growing up. But yes, You are always going to be my baby, got it ?" He asked her playfully. She giggled and nodded.

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