TBOAH!Jack decided he would not interrogate his sister for her fake smile, it was because he could guess where her thoughts were right now, so instead he smiled too and then eagerly returned his gaze to the Palantír and declared to TBOAH!Hannah that he wanted to see how much more his counterpart would grow, TBOAH!Jack whispered that TBOAH!Hannah should do the same.

The record went on showing the next morning dawn across the Palantír. The recording of the Whipper Kingdom’s soldiers with their gazes focused on the priests who had spent all night treating the patients as well as the recordings of the treated patients who were coming out of the tent cheering as they were moved to other tents while a new batch of seriously injured patients was being moved to the tent.

It seemed like a long never-ending queue of patients, but that was not what made everyone in the Palantír Hall hold their breath in shock. It was the fact that there was another patient that appeared to be showing his gratitude when TCF!Toonka and TCF!Harol were heading for the tent.

And now, another patient was crying as they showed their gratitude.
“Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Really, truly, thank you very much.”
“It was nothing. We just did what we needed to do.”
The soldier whose leg might have needed to be amputated was crying while holding Jack’s hand. Jack seemed to be getting emotional as well, as he was tightly holding the soldier’s hand back. This type of scene had been repeated multiple times already.

Similarly to how walking in on this scene had affected TCF!Toonka when he saw it back then, it affected TBOAH!Toonka. How clenched his fists on his lap and tried to understand the emotions and thoughts that were running through his mind right now.

Toonka, who saw this for the first time as he headed into the tent, flinched. Harol went up to stand next to him.
Toonka looked toward the healed soldier with an odd expression. He had realized that the atmosphere among the soldiers was much brighter this morning. It was a different type of liveliness than when they would achieve a victory in a battle.

TBOAH!Toonka felt like it would have been nice to see this kind of sight with his own eyes in his world, but this was alright too. He saw some familiar faces of soldiers who had died – subordinates who had fought by his side and followed his command right to the end, back then he hadn't been able to appreciate or do anything for them, but here his counterpart had and it made him feel both sad that it wasn’t him doing it, but also glad that at least they'd gotten a chance too.

Toonka made eye contact with Cale, who approached him and started to whisper.
“Tonight. I’m putting the fire out, so bring all of the files.”
Cale’s tone was cold but Toonka started to smile.
“Alright. I got it.”
After not sleeping a wink last night, Cale did not like Toonka’s smiling face. He quickly turned around and walked away.
“Thank you.”
Cale ignored Toonka’s voice behind him.

Everyone watched mutely as Cale, after he informed TCF!Toonka of his plan, go right back to helping TCF!Cage and TCF!Jack and handing out potions.

That night was the night of the new moon. Cale stood on top of Maple Castle as he looked down.
‘It is completely dark other than this pillar of fire and the lights in the base.’

TBOAH!Toonka had an ugly scowl on his face – it was a mixed expression of hatred and contempt and disgust as he looked at the pillar of fire that was around Maple Castle. TBOAH!Harol sat silently, patiently observing the record and trying to absorb as much of the information as possible.

The fire shone even brighter without the moon. Cale recalled what Harol had told him as he handed him the report.

The Palantír showed the room the flashback in greyscale of the conversation between Cale and Harol. They talked about whether there was anyone inside the castle and everyone seated in the Palantír Hall learned that three mages from Roan, Breck and the Jungle had gone to the to assist Toonka and Harol with communication during emergencies.

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