Tis but a revelation

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"Aaaand that makes 3869." Renami pinned down the name of his latest target, whom was busy lying beside him with their head god knows where, in his notebook and crossed it out before humming in satisfaction.

It was quite a good catch, he could say. If Sacherai hadn't notified him about a sorta high-class target in the area, he may have lost out on some of them big moolah. He had waited for a while for this target's price to increase while silently praying that nobody had taken him down yet.

And that it did, jumping from ¥2,800,000 to ¥3,500,000.

A good amount per say. Renami was personally quite surprised seeing as no one had attempted to try and take up this bounty although the high reward....with a bit of high risk on the top. Or it could just be the fact he was too lazy to notice anyone going for it, which was highly likely the case.

Either way, he got the bounty first and that money was his!

"Don't think I don't see you." Rotating his hand backwards, the bullet from his hybrid pistol made contact with the head of a person sneaking in the shadows as the sound of a body falling off the roof and splattering on the ground could be heard.

With a sigh, he dropped his pistol into the trusty rifle case he had with him most of the time, before staring out into the brightly lit city that was reciding near his school. It had been a while since he went for a 'walk', so a bit of fresh air and carbon monoxide should be quite alright.

"Hm?" He hummed curiously upon seeing the hem of a short black dress flutter beside him as Sakeri knelt before him, her eyes glittering with a pinch of mischief and playfulness.

"Master! We have something to inform you about!" Her cheerful tone always made his day, whether lifting up his spirits or providing him and Sacherai more clean up work were two sides of the same coin. It did slightly surprise him having Sakeri report to him instead of her elder sister, but not that he cared of course.

"And what might that be?" I stared at her with a slight bit of curiosity.

"Vestia Zeta and Amelia Watson are currently in the city and making a move on the sudden disappearance of high bounties and your return, Master!" She proudly laid out.

Sighing again, Renami ruffled her hair just as she left in the literal blink of an eye. And thus commenced his train of thought. 

'Ok ok. So Zeta and Ame are suddenly undergoing an investigation of those bounties I had claimed, and probably heard from that bartender that I had made my return....since that place is one of the main places you could get high bounties. Now all I need to do is get this body back there without anyone noticing...'

The sound of a metal can being kicked echoed throughout the sient night that was the urban area in front of his face. Thinking it was from the alleyway, he peered over the edge and saw the two people he had not wanted to see right now.

'Zeta and Ame are examining that body....oh maybe it was the person I shot.'

Another sigh, before he slinged the body bag across his shoulder and crossed rooftops with ease, letting the cityscape pass by like a blur.

Meanwhile, for Ame and Zeta....

"Wow, this really is quite the mess huh?" Ame stared at the bloodied jumble of a corpse that was seemingly a person whilst Zeta thoroughly rummaging through the belongings of the person, trying to find out whoever this mountain of flesh was.

Her hands traced the leather of a wallet, quickly reeling her hand back and flipping it open, dumping everything onto the ground and checking every single pocket and opening within the wallet.

Am I worth it?(Hololive fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now