The new people!

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**Hi hi, sorry for being gone for so long but I already stated I had exams so yeah. Enjoy the chapter!**

The lounge in the holohouse was bustling as usual, the constant chatter amongst fellow members filling up the room. Renami was currently lying down on the couch, but not just with any pillow, a lap pillow from TMT!

Renami doesn't even know how he got in the position, but he doesn't care since this is his first lap pillow after all.

He was scrolling through his phone, looking at whatever the hell entertainment there was in the place most of us would call "relaxation", the internet. 

Towa was blushing a lot, but continued to softly stroke Renami's nearly vantablack hair while chatting with La+, who was sitting next to them at the time.

' did he even end up here?!' Towa shrieks internally

"Nee Renami-kun, could I have a go at Towa-sama's lap please~?" La+ looks at Renami with pleading doggy eyes, which caused Renami's nose to bleed. Glancing up, he could see Towa having a look of disgust.


=Renami POV=

"Hm......." I place down my phone on the coffee table, pondering for a while.

"How" I laugh, slapping my thighs in the process. I could hear Towa snickering, trying her hardest not to laugh. The holomems who heard that also just burst out laughing. Looking back, I could see La+ with an extremely cute pout on her face while a tear was hanging at the sides of her eyes.

I just continue to laugh, not long before looking back at my phone again. Though, it was kinda short-lived when Yagoo came bursting in. 

"Hm? Old man? Whatcha need?" I sit up, curiously looking at him. was slightly weird since he was grinning widely. VERY widely.

"So, you all(since only the girls were in the lounge), I have scheduled a meeting at 2pm, and please be sure to attend this one. As for any of you whom have streams at that time, don't fret since your managers have got it covered." He was still smiling brightly. 

"Wait, what's so important?" Our smug kusogaki, Shion, raised her hand and asked.

"Oh~. It's a surprise. Well, see you all in 4 hours!" He waved to us and closed the door. There was a long moment of silence within the lounge as we all exchanged curious looks.

"What do y'all think it's gonna be?" I break the silence. Not even a milisecond after that, the lounge erupted in sounds again.

"New collaboration?"

"Did one of us do something?"

"Has he finally crumbled from his dream?"

All of us just burst out laughing hearing that. Coco especially rolling on the floor, seemingly dying from laughter. I just cupped my hands over my mouth, my body shaking from the amount of laughter I'm letting out.

"I've got a feeling this meeting's gonna be an interesting one." I smirk, the others nodding in agreement. I could still feel Sora's intense gaze on me. Very un-Sora like but if she's curious, she could just come up and ask me, ya know? 

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