We do a bit of fun

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**Hi hi. The education system in my country so cruel TwT. No offence or anything**

It took a bit. But finally.

"MY PC'S DONE!" Renami jumped up and down before landing on the carpeted floor of his shared room on his back with a thud. 

"Man...that took like... 4 hours?" He sighed and slowly sat back up again, admiring his first ever PC.

"Quite worth it though." He smiled to himself and checked the time. "10 am huh? Guess I could go for a light stroll." Renami shrugged and sat up, grabbing his windbreaker before he got out of the room. He strolled down the hallways of the holohouse that at this point should just be called the vtuber house, as he saw multiple talents from other agencies gathering in the hallway, which was also when he just noticed a large crowd blocking the hallway, making him wonder what was sooooooo interesting that people had to crowd the only way to the lounge. As best as he could, Renami squeezed his way through the crowd and see a large open space, where Natsuiro Matsuri and Sara Hoshikawa are standing facing each other.

"What the hell is that brown-haired loli lolicon doing?" He mumbled to himself and watched.

(I'm sorta cringing as I wrote this by the way. I also don't know the full context of their situation so sorry if I messed shit up)

"Hoshikawa-san, daisuki!" Matsuri shouts, which reverberates throughout the whole corridor. Hoshikawa looked kinda shocked, from what Renami could see, but she composes herself and replied firmly. "Sorry Matsuri-chan, but I only view you as a friend." Renami let out a slight snicker, making the people around him look at him curiously.

"That's somehow so god damn fucking funny." Renami tried not to laugh as he placed his hand on his mouth. He could see Matsuri was tearing up a little, which made it even funnier. This was when Renami realised Matsuri was now charging at him, punching him with her loli hands but the power of a god, which basically sent me flying to the opposite end of the corridor. "RENAMI-KUNNNNNNN. I GOT REJECTED WAHHHHHHHHHH" She screams at Renami.

"Ok. But why'd you have to punch me?" He says from behind Matsuri, shocking everyone since they just saw him fly to the other end.




"I GOT REJECTEDDDDDD!" Matsuri pummels him into the ground and continued to do so until the floor now had a hole. He also kinda passed out.


**Renami POV**

After a while, I woke up in what seems to be a nurse's room, making me widen my eyes a bit. "Oh. Renami-sama, you've awoken." I saw Choco-sensei slowly approaching while I slowly sat up.

"How long?" I ask her. Seemingly somehow understanding what I was saying, she replied with a smile. "30 minutes".

"You didn't do shit to me, right?" I shiver a little. I only got a smile in response as she made her way closer to me. "Wait wait wait!" I wave my hands in front of my face.

"Ara ara~ Renami-sama's so cute when he does that. But I only just want to check on your body~." She licks her lips, making me doubt her statement even more.


"You're free to go Renami-sama." She flashed me another one of her smiles as I sigh in relief. "Thanks Choco-sensei" With that, I close the door to the nurse's office and stroll out of the holohouse, breathing in the fresh air of the outside. "Alright, where should I go and what should I do." I walk down to the courtyard near the holohouse. 

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