Prolouge: The shadow that lurks

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Alright so first up, this is how long my chapters would usually be. I don't know how to elaborate as much and this is also due to me and my OC sharing something in common, we usually like to get stuff done quick and fast. I do intend to let this book go on for a while, by the way. This will also be here so that I can get that good feeling of having a lot of words. Anyways, enjoy!

**3rd POV:**

In the bustling city of Chuō, Tokyo, there were people everywhere. Every person there is rather happy, the lights illuminating the large city as the people scurried here and there, like ants. In this city, one would assume that there was nothing to fear. However, in the underground of this city, things were....rather different.

"HAHAHA" A large, chunky yet burly man was chugging a bottle of sake while having seemingly, the best time of his life, while sitting on a rather luxurious chair. A yakuza boss. His minions were also loitering around, chatting with one another, getting their asses drunk, or gambling.


The man chugged more sake as he slammed a foot on a cage, which held a girl who was chained and shivering in fear. "Oh little Bijou~. You're going to finally fulfil your only purpose in life"

 The girl in the cage was in tears, crying her heart out as some of his minions came and started touching her body.

"So smooth"

"So bright"

"I should make you my woman so we can have fun"

Koseki Bijou, whom was the girl, was currently crying while mumbling to herself. "Someone, save me, please *sniffle*" 

As the night went on, the yakuza continued to celebrate their victory of finally becoming the richest yakuza clan in the city.

After a while, the yakuza boss opened the cage as he picked up the crystal girl with one hand, and licked her right cheek, causing Bijou to flinch a little. 

" precious. Boys, how would you like we all spend the night with her?" All his minions cheered in unison "Of course, boss" They all shouted. Bijou's eyes widened in horror as she struggled to get out of her chains. 

"Your struggling is in vain, Bijou dear~. You're going to be our feast tonight" The yakuza boss licked his lips as he puts his hand on Bijou's dress.

The crystal on Bijou's chest glowed a blue hue as she continued to cry. 

"Someone...anyone...." She continued to mumble.


The yakuza boss was about to rip off Bijou's dress when suddenly, the door to the room suddenly went flying off its frame, squashing some of the yakuza minions into a nearby wall. Bijou turned to see the door on the opposite wall from where it was mean to be at first, as well as a large cloud of dust at the entrance.

"You sure this is the place?" The voice of a teenage boy filled the room.

"Yes Master. Me and my sister have confirmed it" A rather feminine and mature voice was also heard.

"Master, can I get a headpat after this?" A high-pitched voice of what would seem to be a little girl resonated throughout.

The boy clicked his tongue. "Jeez, just deal with the minions first"

The boy could be heard sighing as a pair of bloodred eyes could be seen glowing in the thick dust.

"Yes(Hai), Master!" 

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