The Second Moon

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"Mother, refrain from touching her, please!" Adelio growled for the fifth time, his voice edged with frustration.

"Son, allow me to touch my daughter-in-law!" countered the Grand Empress, also for the fifth time.

Adelio stood firm, barricading me between his arms, his broad shoulders a shield against his mother. I rubbed my temples in exhaustion. This has been an ongoing rouse for both of them for seconds now.

Growing weary of their bickering, I pulled myself off Adelio's embrace and grabbed the Grand Empress's hands. "Your Majesty, may I say it's a pleasure to meet you." I offered, mustering my best smile.

The grand empress appeared momentarily taken aback before her expression softened into a smile. She pulled me into her embrace. "It's a delight to meet you, too. I'm so glad he found you," she says lightly.

Her embrace felt warm, mirroring her words. She was exuding a nice fragrance. Jasmine with a touch of pine.

How is she the same cold woman I heard stories about?

A burning sensation similar to anger filled my chest, and I felt a heated gaze on me. I didn't need to turn around to know that Adelio was staring daggers at us.

Why is he even angry? It's my body being hugged not his. I should be the one angry—if at all it posed a problem.

"Greetings over. You've met each other. Let's go El." Adelio tugged me from his mother.

"So soon?" She asked, exasperated.

"Yes. I only came to introduce her out of respect, I didn't plan on staying long. There's much to do in the palace."

"Impertinent brat. I guess you became the emperor and barely have time for your parents," the Grand Empress grumbled.

Adelio shrugged indifferently, unmoved by her words. Grabbing my hand, he began leading me towards the door.

"At least see your father before departing," the Grand Empress interjected.

Adelio stopped, turning to face her. "I thought he was occupied."

"He is, but he's in the vicinity." She beckoned us. "Come, I'll take you to him." Turning around, she strode down the hallway without checking if we followed.

With a resigned sigh, Adelio glanced at me before trailing after his mother with me in tow.

As I watched the grand empress hum while gracefully walking down the hallway, I couldn't help but whisper to Adelio. "Her reputation doesn't match her personality. She seems less strict."

"That's because she's retired," Adelio replied, making no effort to lower his voice. "Dragons aren't known to be kind by nature.  What may seem harsh to humans is quite natural to us. Particularly for older generations of dragons. They are sticklers for tradition—my parents especially so. To be able to rule a horde of grumpy dragons, they had to be strict and firm. Even if it's to their child."

The Grand Empress turns her head to us slightly, before looking forward. "You speak as though I'm deaf," She chuckled. "But yes, retirement has softened me. No more military hassles or political pressure. There isn't a need for austerity anymore. That's for my son to worry about now."

Arriving at a sunlit corner, she entered through already-opened double doors. The moment we followed after her, a blaze of fire shot right past us, the searing heat brushing my face.

I froze, eyes wide, breath caught. Did I almost just get sautéd?!

"Sweetie, mind where you direct your flames," the grand empress said, fanning her hand to disperse the bit of smoke in the air.

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