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"Woah did someone piss in your breakfast this morning? If looks could kill, both I and the servants would be dead by now," Milo my advisor and right-hand man said.

I rubbed my face and gave Milo the death stare. Why does he always have to point out the obvious?

"Aw, Your Majesty you'll make me blush if you stare like that," Milo said in a voice he thought to be cute. "So tell me what has your panties in a twist?"

"What do you think?" I countered, "The thought of going to that human-infested land just irritates me."

There was nothing good about the land of humans. It reeked of the smell of greed, depravity, ego, and just about anything you could think of.

Milo chuckled at my words, his silver eyes amused. "We have no choice but to go. It is the first time they opened their gates in decades, no one would deny the chance to go there."

I sighed, slamming a bunch of papers on my office desk. Then I took a glance at Milo, "When do we depart?"

"Whenever your majesty decides to of course. I don't think anyone would have enough guts to call out the dragon race for coming late," Milo said.

Flipping a paper, I replied, "Yes, true. However, missing out on the first days of the meeting would only give those old fossils the leisure of making stupid rules."

"You have a point," he agreed.

I returned my gaze to the page in front of me, ready to read it. However, Milo tossed a little letter right on top of it.

"And what is this?" I questioned, glaring at the pink monstrosity he threw.

"What else would it be other than another letter from Lady Charlotte? I have to give it to her, the woman doesn't know when to give up."

"And you don't know when to stop accepting her letters," I sighed.

"You can't blame me, she's quite good at roping me into her scheme. Besides, if she is courageous enough to persistently approach the Dragon Emperor, then I'd say take her as a mate. She'd make a bold queen."

"MILO," I growled deeply.

Now he was pushing it. To dare suggest to a dragon - the emperor no less - that he should take a woman that wasn't his mate. He was seeking death.

We dragons are beasts by nature. We could be twice as ruthless as we could be merciful. It's quite hard to reign in a beast that lives on chaos and rampage; our beasts are always restless, constantly ready to pounce and destroy anything deemed a hindrance on our path. It is one of the things that makes us the mightiest of all creatures.

Such a chaotic beast needs a calm to his raging storm, a person who brings comfort to his very soul. His other half whom he can take solitude in. His mate. His Malacia.

So, suggesting I settle for a random woman just pissed my beast off. If he wasn't my advisor, his head would be rolling on the floor by now.

Milo raised his hands in surrender, then stood up and headed to the door. On his way out, he said, "I'll have everything ready in two days, so we can depart." Then he walked away with a still amused smile on his face. 

He's so insufferable.

As annoying as I deemed him to be, Milo was my right-hand man and someone I trusted a lot. He was one of the only people that got me and my train of thought.

He wasn't a dragon like me, so he didn't feel this constant urge to find his mate. He was a griffin, and griffins don't do mates. They were fickle creatures at heart. So I don't really blame him for suggesting I take Charlotte as my malacia.

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