The pillow; my knight, my protector

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In my sleepy state, I felt something soft and feather-like brushing my skin. It was ticklish and pleasing. Everywhere it touched me, warmth would explode like fire, and tingles would crawl all over my skin. The sensation had woken me up, but my eyelids were still too droopy to open.

There was a sweet smell that was currently invading my nostrils. It smelled so nice that I inhaled deeply to get as much of it into my lungs as possible and let out a quiet sigh. I felt at peace. My head wasn't hurting, my body wasn't aching, and my once sore muscles were now tender.

I turned around and twisted my body closer wanting to be as near this new source of comfort as possible. It was warm and gratifying, sending comforting thrills through the fiber of my being.

I had no idea where I was, all I knew was that I was laying on what felt like the softest bed I had ever been on and it felt really good, everything felt good. This must be a dream because there was just no way I'd be experiencing something this nice; as a servant of the palace no less. But if it were to be a dream, then I have every intention of enjoying it before Madame Matilda's frog voice interrupts it.

I was in the middle of snuggling my body closer when I felt a hand wrap around my waist followed by what sounded like a sigh of contentment. I froze.

The thing next to me was actually a person, someone else was on this bed with me. The sudden recognition hit me like a wave, and I popped my eyes open.

Mere inches from my face was a dark cherry-red eye peering straight at me. The eye contact made sparks fly through me like my very soul was being engulfed in flames. For a moment I forgot to breathe, I forgot to panic, I forgot to run, and I just laid there and returned the gaze.

I stared into those lovely shades of red that reminded me of the wild cherries I always saw in the garden. They always had this pleasant smell to them, just like the man in front of me. He smelled way better though.

"Hi," he said in a deep throaty voice that resonated.

The sudden voice drew my mind out of the nether realm and back into my body, breaking the spell that was momentarily placed on me by those cherry colors. I scampered off the bed, putting as much distance as possible between me and the man. It was Mr. Red Hair from yesterday.

He chuckled at my action, his straight-lined jaw flexing with the motion.

"Darling, if you run from me like that, it only makes me want to give chase," he said, with an amused look.

His voice gave me a familiar feeling of shivers. One that brought back memories of being hugged and cradled by him.

He slowly stood up from the bed, and it didn't escape my notice that he was shirtless. Fuck.
The man had no ounce of fat, every part of that lean body of his was jacked up with muscle. His chest and biceps expanded and contracted with each movement he made. His chest...that very same chest I had been laying on yesterday. I gulped thinking about it.

Wait. What the fuck was wrong with me yesterday. I willingly gave myself to this man without so much as a fight. I was practically throwing myself at him too. It was ludicrous. I get that he saved me, but what if he had other ulterior motives?

He was now completely off the bed, as he started to make his way to me. The entire situation was giving me a sense of Deja Vu from when he found me. I can't let him get close, we have already established that whenever he was within certain distance from me, I become dumb as a rock.

I scanned around for something to use as a weapon, but everything was either too close to him or too far from me. So I settled for the only thing I could get my hands on. A pillow. The pillow had fallen from the bed when I jumped off of it. It may not be much, but if I swing heavy enough, it should cost some damage right?

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