My Missing Soul; My Aching Heart

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"When does this end?!" I growled into the darkness. "I don't have time for this."

"Do you have a meeting I'm unaware of? Why is your patience so thin?" Natty asked, probing around the dark space for any clues we could find.

The surrounding darkness suddenly shifted as it folded and warped into a bright light. As if we went through a teleportation gate, our surroundings abruptly changed from utter darkness to a large grassy field that was illuminated by the moonlight.

"It changed again," Natty said, languidly.

"This seems to be a high-level spell, one that constantly changes the intruder's environment so as to prevent them from getting to their intended destination," Arz spoke.

"Is there a reason I'm not destroying this gate?!" I snarled at Natty and Arzhel, who had been hindering me from causing any destruction.

Earlier, when I met up with Natty in the North West of Ore town, he showed me something that did indeed require my attention.

A magic gate.

It wasn't just any magic gate, it was a vortex. One that is able to connect through barriers. Which meant that someone found a way to break into the barriers placed around my empire. So it was either they broke in, got what they wanted, and left forgetting to shut the gate. Or they broke in and are still currently in my land.

My instincts were leaning toward the latter. No one who's capable of performing such a high-end spell would make the careless mistake of leaving a shred of evidence. Well, that's fine by me. I get to make them regret their decision.

Natty crossed both hands behind his head and stared at the stars in the sky. "Calm down Your Majesty. You know you can't destroy this vortex, it's literally a great piece of evidence. If we can find out where it leads, then we can figure out the culprits. If the culprits are still in Caelestis, then we just have to watch the gate and grab them when they try to cross back."

"Nathaniel is right Your Majesty, this is crucial proof," Arz said quietly.

Knowing both of them were right, I huffed and continued walking. This was immensely frustrating. I just wanted to get back to my El. She must be feeling uneasy without me—no fuck that. I feel uneasy without her.

My hunger for her was increasing, to the point that it scared me. The next time I see her lovely full lips, her captivating upturned hazel eyes, and her lovely waist again, I may fail at restraining myself.

"Was the human kingdom that bad? Your temper is flaring more than usual. And you smell a little different..." Natty sniffed the air around me.

I Palmed his face and pushed him away from me, "Back off."

"He had to leave his mate behind, that's why he's mad," Arz interjected. "Ah. The space is warping again. I wonder what it'll be this time. Maybe we'll be in the middle of a volcano. That sounds fun," he deadpanned.

If I didn't know Arz, I'd think he was being sarcastic. But with his bad sense of humor and twisted side, he just might enjoy ending up in the middle of a volcano.

"Woah— backtrack. What did you just say Arz? He found his mate?!" Natty piped.

I turned to Arzhel, "When we first walked into this vortex, we were in a cave. Then as if they sensed our presence, the space started to warp as we proceeded into the cave."

"Are you guys ignoring me?" Natty gaped.

Arz nodded. "Indeed Your Majesty. They are clearly preventing us from finding out where this vortex leads to. Which means this wasn't just a forgotten space. Whoever created it still needs it, most likely to escape from Caelestis."

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