"oh the nurse told me to come get you, it's izzie you have to come now" she says slightly looking away

meredith smiles at addison and leaves

"oh wait" callie says, meredith turns around "you're hair is kind of messy" she says fixing meredith's hair

"thanks" meredith says after she's done and walks

addison searches around for meredith's panties and found them near the exam table

all the interns run to dennys room and olivia explains what happened

"well where is she?" cristina asks

"she's in there with him" olivia says

they all go inside including callie

"izzie.." cristina says

izzie was laying next to denny expressionless

"i think it was a stroke..he was prone to blood clots" izzie says "the clot could've formed on his sutures, and traveled to his brain it only takes a second" she says

"iz" meredith says

"dr.hahn did a beautiful job on the surgery, but i don't know why i didn't think of blood clots...he died all alone, he was alone" izzie says again

"there was nothing you could've done.." george says

"i changed my dress three times..i wanted to look nice, i would've been here sooner, but i couldn't figure out which dress to wear" izzie's voice gets quieter

"izzie.." george walks up to the bed "we shouldn't be in here" he says

"iz there are things that they need, they need to move him" meredith says

"take him to the morgue" izzie says

cristina steps closer "you can't stay here i know you want to.."

"can you please, please just get out" izzie starts tearing up

"izzie that's not denny" alex says

"shut up" izzie says closing her eyes

he walks up to her "iz that's not denny..the minute his heart stopped beating he stopped being denny" he says "now i know you love him, but he also loves you and a guy that loves you like that he doesn't want you to do this to yourself, cause it's not denny..not anymore" alex says

izzie sighs "an hour he was proposing and now he's going to the morgue" izzie starts sobbing

alex carries her while the interns try not to cry too

finn was near the elevators and addison appears behind him

"hey" he says

"hi" addison says looking a bit out of breath

the chief and bailey come up to her

"addie" he says

"yeah" she turns to them

"have you seen baileys interns, grey, yang im looking for izzie steven's in particular" he asks

"..no, no i haven't" addison shakes her head

bailey looks up and sees the interns walking in a group

"chief.." bailey says

the chief looks up

the five of them were leaving together izzie in the front and meredith at the end

izzie stops and so do the interns

she turns to the chief "it was me, i cut his LVAD wire, i did it no one helped me" izzie says "and now i thought i was a surgeon but..i can't, i thought i was a surgeon but i'm not, i quit" izzie holds in her tears

she walks away and so do the interns

"izzie.." bailey says

meredith also follows but stops

"i guess that puts an end to the evening" finn says

"i guess it does" the chief says walking away with bailey

meredith stands there looking at finn then addison

finn walks over to her "come on ill drive you home" he whispers he walks over to the elevator

meredith turns and looks at addison then turns to finn who stops walking and turns around to look at meredith

finn turns to addison who was looking at him

"mer" addison says tilting her head a bit, meredith turns to her

"..meredith" finn says and she turns to him

finn and addison look at each other then back at meredith

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