Chapter 41

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The day flew by, and as Professor Duncan wrapped up our work, he placed the blood vials back in their fridge.

"Nice work ladies, we'll meet back here tomorrow. There's a cafeteria downstairs if you're hungry," he offered, gathering his belongings. Glancing at the clock, I realized it was almost dinner time.

"Please, show me, Maggie?" I suggested, slipping off my coat and turning to her.

"I'll head home, you guys have fun," Maggie smiled warmly and waved goodbye as she left first.

"Shall we?" Professor Duncan gestured towards the door. Nodding, I followed him, descending the glass steps to the cafeteria.

"So, Professor Duncan, how long have you been working here?" I inquired, gripping the banister as we walked.

"Before the reanimated arrived, I've been here since. Sadly, most of my team lost their minds," he sighed, halting on the stairs.

"Are you alright, sir?" I asked, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

He wiped away the frown, offering a smile. "Yes, Dr Walsh, now let me show you the cafeteria." He continued down the steps until we reached the foyer, guiding me into the bustling cafeteria. At least a hundred people were hanging out and eating food, all on different tables, just like high school.

"Wow," I stepped back, stunned by the sheer volume of people.

"Yes, might be quite a lot for you. I guess you haven't seen this many people in a room alive for quite some time?" he suggested kindly.

"No, I haven't, sir," I admitted honestly, following him to join the food queue.

"Now, I would suggest not eating the pork; it's quite dry," he advised with a smirk.

"Pork?" I swallowed, surprised they had such variety.

"When was the last time you had that?" he inquired.

"Not since the beginning," I frowned, feeling a pang of nostalgia. We reached the front of the line, and I grabbed a tray, feeling a bit lost amidst the array of food.

"I'll have the chicken, Doctor Walsh?" Professor Duncan asked over his shoulder.

"Eh," I stammered, uncertain.

"I'll have the same," I finally managed, feeling a bit flustered. As we found a table, I marveled at the food on my plate, my mouth watering.

"Alright Doctor?" Professor Duncan asked as we settled in.

"Yes sir, just haven't seen that much food for a long time." I told him, I picked up my knife and fork and began to slowly eat my food, trying desperately not to moan as I took a bite.

"Tell me, Doctor Walsh, how long were you out there?" he inquired between bites.

"First of all, please call me Alex," I requested, trying to lighten the formal atmosphere.

"I like to keep formalities. Is Miss Walsh alright?" he asked politely.

"Yes," I nodded, grateful for his consideration. "Anyway, I've been out there since the beginning, so a couple of years now."

"Wow, truth be told, I haven't left these gates since it all began," he admitted, taking a thoughtful bite.

"Have you seen a Walker?" I asked curiously.

"A what?" he squinted.

"One of the dead? We call them walkers," I clarified, taking another bite.

"Oh, I just call them the reanimated, but yes, I have for research. Terrible things, aren't they?" he grimaced.

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