Chapter 2

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A few weeks later.

Stumbling around the woods the first thing I did not expect to see was a couple having sex. My face twisted in surprise as I instinctively averted my gaze from their activities. I attempted to be stealthy and used a bush to hide my self, but I unfortunately stepped on a twig which caught the guy's attention. Peeking out from behind the bush, I thought our eyes had met, but the girl promptly drew him back into a fervent kiss. I turned away, my focus shifting to scanning for any lurking monsters, attempting to drown out their moans.

I kept up my pace whilst clutching my bow and arrow, my grip white-knuckled. I heard the gentle sound of a growl causing me to pivot on my heels. There was a monster right behind me, stalking me a few feet away. I swallowed down my nerves and picked up the pace. Ever since that encounter with the old woman monster those weeks ago I hadn't been able to kill a single one. I just felt riddled with guilt and couldn't help but think some part of them was still alive.

I picked up my pace to a jog and managed to escape the creature. The sun's rays streamed through the trees, warming my exposed skin. I changed direction, heading toward the sun's glow until I reached the edge of a tree-lined cliff.

Peering down, I spotted a lake nestled about 40 feet below- part of me wanted to go swim in it, but I didn't know if the monsters could survive in the water yet. Letting out a sigh, I leaned against a sturdy tree trunk. I did really need a break, I glanced at the lake again and back at the tree tops.

"Screw it." I swung the bow and the arrow holder over my shoulder and began to climb.

My fingers grasped branches as I hauled myself up through leaves and twigs, their caresses against my skin giving me a mix of discomfort and nostalgia from when I was a child. Finally reaching the top, I breathed a sigh of relief. My hands throbbed, but I leaned against the robust trunk and gazed down at the branches below.

I must have been about 1 1/2 stories high up from the ground. Observing the array of trees, I watched as birds danced through the sky. Resting my head against the tree's base I thought about my family. The journey ahead to the hotel would likely span several more grueling months by foot, that was if they were even alive. The journey could be halved if that stupid horse didn't run off one night and get eaten. My thoughts drifted to Daryl Dixon of all people, someone who would thrive in this new world. The image of the hospitals still running, a slither of hope, flickered in my mind before I felt my eyelids become heavy and my memories haunted my dreams.


I was in my dormitory halls, back where it all began. Keith was at the end of the corridor, munching on someone's neck, grunting as he feasted on their flesh. I walked towards him carefully this time, curious to see who he was eating. I got a few feet behind him when he turned around, except it wasn't Keith, but Daryl, his skin an awful pale white and his eyes were beady yellow. I covered my mouth as a cry escaped from me and I backed away from him.

"Daryl, no!" I cried and he lunged at me, he pinned me to the wall and suck his teeth into me. The excruciating pain shooting all over my body.


Gasping awake, I was greeted by the breaking dawn. The nightmare's grip still clung to me, clinging to the branch, I teetered before losing my balance.

"Shit!" I screamed and fell to my right.

My nails dug into the solid branch, the wood digging into my fingers. I swore with pain as the splinters pierced my skin. I scrambled, trying to stop myself from falling but I lost my grip.

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