Chapter 22

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The sun woke up my tired bones as a new day dawned. Yet, the pain from my recent encounter with Daryl still gnawed at my heart, and what stung even more was his refusal to meet my gaze.  I couldn't sleep after our fight so I felt exhausted as we kept walking to seek some shelter. I lagged behind the group, and it was Maggie who eventually fell into step beside me.

"You alright?" Maggie's voice cooed and interrupted my thoughts.

I peered at the girl and forced a smile, I couldn't complain when this girl had lost everything.

"Yes, I'm fine," I replied, though the words tasted of deception. Maggie's gaze flitted to where Daryl and Carol walked together up ahead, fuelling my suspicion that he had feelings for her.

"Carol and Daryl aren't what you think." she spoke softly, I whipped my head to her and tried to act neutral to her statement.

"What do you mean?" I asked, attempting to sound nonchalant.

"They aren't 'romantically involved,'" Maggie assured me, although I blushed at the fact that my feelings for Daryl has been noticed by someone.

"Why would I care?"

"Because you care about Daryl."

My attempt at denial was laughable. "I don't," I protested, a nervous laugh escaping me. Maggie raised an eyebrow, her smirk forcing me to confess.

"Is it that obvious?" I cleared my throat and adverted my gaze.

"It's written all over your face. Probably only noticeable to us women; men are clueless." She patted my back and I laughed at her.

A blood-curdling scream pierced the tranquil woods, and Maggie and I exchanged panicked glances. The group sprinted forward, and I struggled to keep up, leaning on Maggie for support. Reaching a tree, we witnessed a man dressed as a priest cornered by a walker. Rick shot it in the forehead, until it fell dead on the ground, and he stared at the priest with surprise.

"Thank you so much, the thing started to attack me."

"You actually a priest?" Rick knotted his brows and the man nodded.

The priest nodded, his relief palpable. "Yes, I am. My name is Father Gabriel. Please, allow me to express my gratitude and offer you refuge. My church is not far from here."

Rick peered behind him to see what the verdict was, our exhausted expression must of been clear enough as he nodded to Father Gabriel's request.

We followed Father Gabriel to the church, as he opened the churches' double doors I was surprised by its pristine condition, a stark contrast to the world outside. Pews lined the interior, an altar stood with a statue of Jesus, seemingly untouched by the horrors of the walkers. Exhausted, I collapsed onto one of the pews and gazed at the white ceiling, sympathizing with the priest's challenges, how could a man have faith in a world like this?

"I apologize; I've already eaten all the food here. But there's a food bank nearby," Father Gabriel informed us.

"My group can help you get it, as long as it can be distributed amongst us all." Rick spoke and Gabriel nodded profusely.

"Of course. We should leave before night fall." Gabriel suggested.

"Who wants to come?" Rick turned to the group, seeking volunteers.

"I will." I croaked, standing up from the pew and locking eyes with Rick, who seemed uncertain.

"You sure?" Rick knotted his brow at me.

"I'm fine, really," I insisted.

"Alex, ya gonna get yourself killed. Ya were limping just now." Daryl interjected, his voice edged with irritation.

His Wings (D.D. fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang